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SAP Siemens Learning Camp

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Angajator: Siemens Corporate Technology
  • IT Software
  • Tip job: full-time
    Nivel job: Student/Absolvent
  • Timisoara
  • Actualizat la: 16.06.2010
    Remote work: On-site

    Scurta descriere a companiei

    Siemens este cea mai mare companie din Romania care detine solutii inovatoare complete in segmentele Automatizari si Control, Energie, Transporturi, Solutii Medicale, Solutii si Servicii IT, Comunicatii si Iluminat.


    Siemens IT Solution and Services is constantly on the look for bright people who enjoy working with business challenges and technologies to help our clients become high performers in their own industries.
    Are you seeking an opportunity to grow into a IT technology area in an international environment?
    Do you want to be part of a truly global organization of talented people and work with dynamic clients in countries all over the world?

    Who can attend?

    - Motivated, self aware students with technical background
    - Students and graduates available for working 24X7 or shifts, after the completion of the program
    - Advanced English skills – written and spoken (German is a plus)


    What is SAP Siemens Learning Camp?

    - Professional education program, for students, graduates and already skilled people
    - Professional trainings in Linux, Oracle and SAP Basis
    - Theoretical framework and on-the-job practice, in a technical environment tailored for education
    - The Goal is to join one of our SAP Basis teams in Timisoara of Siemens IT Solutions and Services

    Alte informatii

    Why should you work with us?

    The program consists of a comprehensive training and induction period, after which all successful trainees will be part of our Global Production Center team in Timisoara.

    What are the benefits?

    - There will be no costs for the attendees involved!
    - Signed internship agreement for the 1st month!
    - Working contract and salary starting with the second month!
    - Permanent employment contract after successful integration in the productive team!
    - Oracle and SAP official trainings!