Ce inseamna sa fii proactiv la locul de munca. Sfaturi si exemple concrete
Termeni de folosire Hipo.ro
Contract privind utilizarea site-ului HIPO.RO
Acceptarea contractului de utilizare
Acest contract se aplica site-ului HIPO.RO, serviciilor si continutului acestuia. Site-ul, serviciile si continutul HIPO.RO va sunt oferite conditionat de acceptarea dvs fara nici o modificare a conditiilor din prezentul contract. Daca nu acceptati termenii si conditiile statuate in acest document, nu folositi site-ul HIPO.RO si serviciile oferite prin intermediul lui. Prin utilizarea sitului, indicati ca acceptati sa respectati "Termenii si Conditiile" noastre. SC Catalyst Solutions SRL, numita in continuare "Compania", poate revizui acest document oricand, prin acutalizarea acestei pagini. Va recomandam sa vizitati aceasta pagina periodic pentru a citi "Termenii si Conditiile" deoarece acest document va obliga legal. Folosirea in continuare a serviciilor site-ului HIPO.RO reprezinta acceptarea modificarilor aduse prezentului contract.
Descrierea serviciilor
Site-ul HIPO.RO ofera utilizatorilor acces la o colectie bogata de resurse, continut si instrumente de cariera online care includ: locuri de munca, sfaturi legate de cariera, articole de cariera. Dumneavoastra intelegeti si sunteti de acord ca aceste servicii includ si publicitate, iar publicitatea este necesara site-ului HIPO.RO pentru furnizarea serviciilor sale. Dumneavoastra intelegeti si sunteti de acord ca serviciile HIPO.RO.ro includ diverse anunturi, mesaje administrative continute de buletinele informative HIPO.RO si ca aceste mesaje sunt implicite calitatii de membru HIPO.RO, neexistand optiunea de a renunta la astfel de mesaje.
Obligatii la inregistrare
Pentru a folosi serviciile oferite de site-ul HIPO.RO, va obligati sa: 1) furnizati date adevarate, exacte si complete despre dumneavoastra asa cum este cerut de formularul de inregistrare al site-ului si 2) mentineti si innoiti, atunci cand situatia o cere, datele de inregistrare pentru a fi adevarate, exacte si complete. Daca veti furniza informatii care nu sunt conforme cu realitatea, inexacte sau incomplete, SC Catalyst Solutions SRL are dreptul sa suspende sau sa desfiinteze contul dumneavoastra si sa refuze toate incercarile curente sau viitoare de folosire a site-ului HIPO.RO.
Responsabilitatile utilizatorului
Ca utilizator sunteti responsabil de propriile actiuni precum si de consecintele pe care acestea le pot avea, in urma publicarii materialelor pe care le incarcati, puneti la dispozitie in mod public pe contul pus la dispozitie de companie. Va obligati sa nu faceti urmatoarele lucruri : a) sa publicati material cu drept de autor, daca nu sunteti autorul sau daca nu aveti permisiunea autorului de a publica materialul respectiv; b) sa publicati materiale obscene, defaimatoare, de amenintare sau rauvoitoare fata de un alt utilizator, persoana fizica sau juridica; c) sa publicati o imagine sau o afirmatie explicit sexuala; d) sa publicati materiale care contin virusi, viermi sau alte programe cu intentia de a distruge orice sistem sau informatie; e) incarca, posta, difuza sau transmite in alt mod orice continut pentru care nu aveti dreptul legal de transmitere sau difuzare in orice conditii, sub orice sistem juridic, romanesc sau strain, relatii contractuale sau de incredere (cum sunt informatiile confidentiale, cele aflate sub drept de proprietate, aflate sau dezvaluite ca parte a relatiilor de serviciu sau aflate sub incidenta acordurilor de confidentialitate); f) incarca, posta, difuza sau transmite in alt mod orice tip de publicitate, materiale promotionale, "junk mail", "spam", scrisori in lant, scheme piramidale, sau orice alta forma de solicitari; g) avea adrese multiple in cadrul site-ului care se aseamana sau care sunt create pe aceeasi tema; h) promova sau furniza informatii despre modul de derulare a activitatilor ilegale, promova ranirea fizica sau verbala impotriva oricarui grup sau persoana, sau pentru a promova orice act de cruzime fata de animale. Aceasta poate include, dar nu este limitat, a furniza informatii despre modul de a fabrica, achizitiona sau asambla bombe, grenade sau alte tipuri de arme si crearea de site-uri "crush"; i) posta, difuza sau transmite in alt mod date personale (nume, adresa, numere de telefon) sau inregistrarea acestora in rubricile care pot fi vizualizate de catre ceilalti utilizatori (descrieri, pseudonim etc.) HIPO.RO nu garanteaza credibilitatea, acuratetea informatiilor publicate de catre utilizatori sau nu gireaza vreo parere exprimata de catre utilizatori. HIPO.RO actioneaza ca un factor pasiv in distributia online si publicarea informatiilor furnizate de catre utilizatori si nu are obligatia de a verifica in avans materialul publicat de catre utilizatori. Daca i se solicita de catre un utilizator, compania poate investiga si verifica afirmatiile si poate hotari daca informatiile respective trebuie indepartate. HIPO.RO isi poate asuma actiuni sau masuri in privinta utilizatorului sau impotriva informatiilor inregistrate de catre acesta. Prin introducerea materialului in orice segment public sau privat de pe site, incluzand forumurile sau concursurile ii garantati firmei HIPO.RO dreptul continuu, irevocabil (incluzand drepturile morale) si licenta de a utiliza, reproduce, modifica, adapta, publica, traduce, distribui sau de a comunica in public continutul (in intregime sau partial), la scara internationala sau de a-l incorpora in alte lucrari de orice forma, in mass-media sau in tehnologia cunoscuta sau care urmeaza sa se dezvolte in viitor. De asemenea, permiteti oricarei persoane care este abonata sa acceseze, sa vizualizeze, sa stocheze sau sa reproduca asemenea materiale in scopuri personale. Supus celor mentionate inainte, posesorului unui astfel de material publicat pe site isi mentine orice drepturi care ar putea deriva de aici. Apreciem mesajele clientilor nostri si venim in intampinarea comentariilor dumneavoastra cu privire la serviciile noastre. Va atentionam ca politica noastra nu ne permite sa acceptam sau sa tinem cont intotdeauna de ideile creative, sugestii, inventii sau materiale, altele decat cele solicitate de noi in mod expres.
Informatii pentru utilizatori
In momentul in care va inregistrati pe site, vi se vor cere anumite informatii incluzand o adresa de e-mail valida. Pe langa termenii si conditiile care vor fi reglementate in politica site-ului, dumneavoastra intelegeti si acceptati faptul ca HIPO.RO poate divulga unei terte persoane anumite informatii continute in cererea dumneavoastra de inregistrare. HIPO.RO nu va divulga unei terte persoane numele, adresa , adresa de e-mail sau numarul dumneavoastra de telefon fara consimtamantul dumneavoastra, cu exceptia cazurilor prevazute de lege cand comunicarea acestor informatii este necesara. HIPO.RO isi rezerva dreptul de a va oferi serviciile si produsele unui tert, bazandu-se pe datele mentionate in inregistrarea dumneavoastra in orice moment dupa ce aceasta a avut loc; asemenea oferte pot fi facute de catre SC Catalyst Solutions SRL de catre un tert implicat.
Contul, parola si securitatea datelor
Sunteti raspunzatori de pastrarea confidentialitatii asupra informatiilor si a parolei dumneavoastra. Veti fi raspunzatori de utilizarea inregistrarii dumneavoastra, indiferent daca utilizarea se face cu sau fara voia dumneavoastra. Sunteti de acord sa sesizati HIPO.RO in legatura cu orice utilizare neautorizata a parolei si a inregistrarii dumneavoastra. Sunteti de asemenea de acord sa folositi butonul de iesire din contul dvs cand doriti sa parasiti site-ul. Compania nu va fi raspunzatoare pentru nici o paguba morala sau materiala provocata prin nerespectarea acestei prevederi de catre dvs. SC Catalyst Solutions SRL, daca considera de cuviinta, va poate bloca parola, utilizarea serviciilor sau folosirea oricaror altor servicii ale sale de care beneficiati, sau sa scoata si sa stearga orice material din cadrul serviciilor, pentru orice motiv. SC Catalyst Solutions SRL poate de asemenea, oricand doreste si fara a da socoteala, intrerupe furnizarea serviciilor, sau a unei parti a lor, cu sau fara nici o notificare prealabila. Orice incetare a accesului dumneavoastra la serviciile HIPO.RO, conform oricarei reguli din prezentul Regulament, poate fi efectuata fara o avertizare anticipata, si luati la cunostinta si sunteti de acord ca SC Catalyst Solutions SRL poate dezactiva sau sterge imediat contul dumneavoastra din cadrul site-ului HIPO.RO si toate informatiile in legatura cu acesta si/sau sa interzica orice acces ulterior la serviciile HIPO.RO. Mai mult, SC Catalyst Solutions SRL nu va fi raspunzatoare fata de dumneavoastra sau orice terta parte in orice mod, pentru interzicerea si/sau stergerea contului si a accesului la serviciile puse la dispozitie prin intermediul HIPO.RO.
Utilizarea materialelor
SC Catalyst Solutions SRL va autorizeaza sa vizualizati si sa faceti download la o singura copie a materialelor de pe site-ul HIPO.RO (situl web) doar in scopuri personale si pentru uz necomercial. Continutul acestui site, textele, grafica, fotografiile, software-ul precum si alte materiale sunt protejate de legea dreptului de autor. Intregul material este proprietatea SC Catalyst Solutions SRL. Compilatia (adica adunarea si rearanjarea) continutului acestui site web este dreptul exclusiv a HIPO.RO, drept protejat de legile in vigoare. Folosirea neautorizata a materialului reprezinta o incalcare a legii dreptului de autor sau a altor legi. Nu aveti permisiunea de a vinde sau a modifica materialul, a-l expune public, a-l distribui sau a-l folosi in orice alt mod, in scopuri publice sau comerciale. Pe serverele care apartin sau care sunt inchiriate de catre SC Catalyst Solutions SRL accesul oricarui utilizator neautorizat este interzis. In caz de incercare si/sau accesare, fara drept, a acestor servere, fapta constituie infractiune si se pedepseste conform legislatiei romane in vigoare. Proprietatea materialelor si informatiilor introduse pe site-ul HIPO.RO. SC Catalyst Solutions SRL nu va pretinde un drept de proprietate asupra materialelor pe care le furnizati companiei (inclusiv observatiile si sugestiile) sau pe care le postati, incarcati sau trimiteti oricarui site al HIPO.RO. Totusi, transmitand aceste materiale, dvs sunteti de acord sa acordati SC Catalyst Solutions SRL permisiunea de a utiliza materialele inclusiv sa le: copieze, distribuie, transmita, publice, reproduca, modifice si sa traduca; de a mentiona numele dvs in legatura cu materialul pe care l-ati transmis; si dreptul de a cesiona la randul ei toate aceste drepturi oricarui partener SC Catalyst Solutions SRL. Nu se vor pretinde si nici acorda nici un fel de compensatii pentru utilizarea materialului in felul aratat mai sus. Compania nu are obligatia de a posta pe site sau folosi in orice mod materialul furnizat de dvs; compania are de asemenea dreptul sa stearga materialul dvs in orice moment si fara a avea nevoie de un motiv in acest sens.
Relatia cu companiile care fac publicitate pe site-ul HIPO.RO
SC Catalyst Solutions SRL ruleaza campanii publicitare si promotii in cadrul site-ului sale. Corespondenta sau participarea in promotii ale companiilor de publicitate gasite pe sau prin intermediul site-ului, sunt numai in responsabilitatea dumneavoastra si a acestor companii. SC Catalyst Solutions SRL nu este raspunzatoare si nu va fi trasa la raspundere pentru orice pierdere sau prejudiciu de orice fel, rezultat din astfel de relatii sau rezultat din prezenta unor astfel de companii in cadrul campaniilor publicitare ale site-ului HIPO.RO. Prin agrearea termenilor prezentului Contract acordati dreptul SC Catalyst Solutions SRL de a va trimite periodic e-mail-uri cu informatii sau oferte speciale.
Legaturi catre alti furnizori de informatii sau servicii
Site-ul HIPO.RO poate furniza, sau terte parti pot furniza legaturi (link-uri) catre alte site-uri World Wide Web sau alte resurse. Deoarece SC Catalyst Solutions SRL nu are nici un control asupra acestor site-uri sau resurse, luati cunostinta si sunteti de acord ca firma SC Catalyst Solutions SRL nu este responsabila de disponibilitatea acestora si nu garanteaza si nu este responsabila pentru nici un continut, publicitate, produse sau alte materiale de pe sau disponibile pe aceste site-uri sau resurse. Mai mult, recunoasteti si sunteti de acord ca SC Catalyst Solutions SRL nu va fi responsabila sau pasibila de a plati despagubiri, direct sau indirect pentru orice paguba sau pierdere cauzata sau presupusa a fi fost cauzata de sau in legatura cu folosirea sau increderea in informatiile furnizate de un asemenea continut, bunuri sau servicii disponibile pe sau prin intermediul unor astfel de site-uri sau resurse.
Responsabilitatile HIPO.RO
Deoarece identificarea utilizatorilor pe Internet este dificila, HIPO.RO nu confirma faptul ca fiecare utilizator este ceea ce se pretinde. Deoarece nu suntem si nu putem fi implicati in relatiile user-to-user sau nu putem controla comportamentul utilizatorilor HIPO.RO, in eventualitatea unei dispute cu unul sau mai multi utilizatori, HIPO.RO (prin agentii, administratorii si angajatii sai) este absolvita de orice raspundere sau despagubire (directa sau indirecta) de orice fel si de orice natura, cunoscuta sau necunoscuta, suspectata sau nu, dezvaluita sau nu, ivita in vreun mod care are legatura cu disputele. HIPO.RO nu are obligatia legala de a controla informatiile oferite de alti utilizatori, disponibile pe site. Informatiile altor persoane pot fi neplacute, vatamatoare sau inexacte. Materialul poate contine inexactitati sau greseli de scriere. HIPO.RO nu isi asuma veridicitatea si exactitatea materialului de pe site. Dumneavoastra luati cunostinte si sunteti de acord cu faptul ca sunteti singurul responsabil pentru forma , continutul sau exactitatea material continut sau plasat de dumneavoastra pe site.
Limitarea responsabilitatii
Afirmati in mod expres ca ati luat cunostinta si sunteti de acord ca SC Catalyst Solutions SRL nu va fi raspunzatoare pentru nici un fel de pagube directe, indirecte, accidentale, speciale, inclusiv, dar nu limitat la: nerealizare de profit, posibilitatii de folosire, date sau alte pagube (chiar daca SC Catalyst Solutions SRL a fost inainte informata de posibilitatea aparitiei unor asemenea pierderi), rezultand din: a) utilizarea sau imposibilitatea utilizarii serviciilor site-ului HIPO.RO; b) acces neautorizat la sau deteriorarea transmisiilor sau datelor dumneavoastra; c) declaratii sau actiuni a oricarei terte parti asupra serviciilor site-ului HIPO.RO; d) orice alta problema legata de serviciile site-ului.
Declarati in mod expres ca intelegeti si ca sunteti de acord cu urmatoarele afirmatii:
a) utilizarea serviciilor site-ului HIPO.RO se face pe propria raspundere. b) SC Catalyst Solutions SRL nu ofera nici o garantie ca: b.1) serviciile vor implini toate cerintele dumneavoastra; b.2) serviciile vor fi neintrerupte, la timp, sigure sau fara erori; b.3) rezultatele ce se vor putea obtine din folosirea site-ului HIPO.RO si a serviciilor puse la dispozitie vor fi corecte sau de incredere; b.4) orice eroare de program va fi corectata; c) Orice material descarcat sau obtinut in alt fel prin utilizarea serviciilor puse la dispozitie de SC Catalyst Solutions SRL se afla astfel la discretia si poate fi folosit doar pe riscul propriu si veti singura persoana responsabila de eventualele distrugeri cauzate computerului de pe care accesati site-ul sau alte pierderi de date ce pot rezulta din descarcarea acestui tip de continut.
Daca vreo prevedere din acest capitol "Termeni si conditii" este considerata invalida de catre forurile legale competente, invaliditatea unei asemenea prevederi nu va afecta valabilitatea celorlalte prevederi ale "Termeni si conditii", acestea ramanand in vigoare. Acesti "Termeni si conditii" constituie in intregime un acord incheiat intre dumneavoastra si SC Catalyst Solutions SRL in privinta utilizarii site-ului HIPO.RO. Aceste conditii pot fi modificate de noi la anumite intervale, fara o anuntare sau o acceptare prealabila a utilizatorilor. Puteti citi cea mai recenta versiune a acestor conditii oricand, accesand aceasta pagina. Prezentul acord constituie unica conventie dintre dumneavoastra si SC Catalyst Solutions SRL si reglementeaza folosirea de catre dumneavoastra a serviciilor site-ului HIPO.RO, impunandu-se in fata oricarui acord precedent dintre dumneavoastra si SC Catalyst Solutions SRL sau site-ul sale (inclusiv dar nu limitat la o versiune precedenta a Regulamentului). Puteti de asemenea fi supusi unei alte versiuni a Regulamentului care se poate aplica atunci cand folositi alte servicii SC Catalyst Solutions SRL sau ale partenerilor sai, continut al oricarei terte parti, sau software a oricarui tert. Regulamentul si relatiile dintre utilizatori si SC Catalyst Solutions SRL vor fi guvernate de legile aplicabile in Romania.
Stergerea contului si a datelor personale
Pentru a va sterge contul va rugam sa intrati in contul dvs de utilizator de pe Hipo si apoi sa navigati astfel:
Pas 1) intra in contul tau pe hipo, vezi imagine aici.
Pas 2) acceseaza meniul "Detalii cont" vezi imagine aici
Pas 3) in partea de jos a paginii apasa link-ul "sterge contul", vezi imagine aici
Nu este permisa inserarea de catre candidati in profilul, CV-ul sau scrisorile de intentie de pe Hipo de email-uri sau link-uri. Acest tip de informatii se poate include doar in campurile dedicate pt acest lucru din cadrul site-ului.
Nu este permisa companiilor angajator sa insereze link-uri sau adrese de email in cadrul anunturilor sau a scurtei descrieri a companiei din cadrul anunturilor. Acest tip de informatii se poate include doar in campurile dedicate pt acest lucru din cadrul site-ului.
Contract on using the site HIPO.RO
Accepting user contract
This contract applies HIPO.RO website, services and content. HIPO.RO site, services and content are offered to you conditioned by your acceptance without modification of the terms of this contract. If you do not accept the terms and conditions herein, do not use the site HIPO.RO and services offered through it. By using the Site, you indicate that you accept the "Terms and Conditions". SC Catalyst Solutions SRL, hereinafter "The Company", may revise this document at any time by updating this page. Please visit this page periodically to read the "Terms and Conditions" as this document is legally binding. Your continued use of the services HIPO.RO site represents your acceptance of the amendments to this contract.
Description of services
HIPO.RO site gives users access to a rich collection of resources, content and online career tools including: jobs, career advice, career articles. You understand and agree that the services may include advertisements and that advertisements are necessary HIPO.RO site for supplying its services. You understand and agree that the HIPO.RO.ro Services include various announcements, administrative messages contained in HIPO.RO newsletters and that these communications are considered part of your HIPO.RO membership, having no option to opt out of such messages.
Obligations at registration
To use the services offered by the site HIPO.RO, you must: 1) provide true, accurate and complete information about yourself as prompted by the registration form of the site and 2) maintain and renew, when the situation requires it, the Registration Data, to keep it true, accurate and complete. If you provide any information that is untrue, inaccurate or incomplete, SC Catalyst Solutions SRL has the right to suspend or terminate your account and refuse current or future attempts to use the site HIPO.RO.
User Responsibilities
As a user you are responsible for your own actions and the consequences that they may have, by posting the materials you upload or make publicly available on the account provided by the company. You undertake not to do these things: a) to publish copyrighted material, if you are not the author or if you do not have permission to publish this material; b) publish obscene, defamatory, threatening or malicious to another user, person or entity; c) publish a sexually explicit image or statement; d) post material that contains viruses, worms or other programs intended to destroy any system or information; e) upload, post, transmit or otherwise make available any Content that you do not have a right to transmit or broadcast in any circumstances, under any law, Romanian or foreign, or reliable contractual relationships (such as inside information, those in under proprietary learned or disclosed as part of employment relationships or under nondisclosure agreements); f) upload, post, transmit or otherwise make available any unsolicited advertising, promotional materials, junk mail, spam, chain letters, pyramid schemes, or any other form of solicitation; g) have multiple addresses on the site that resemble or are created on the same theme; h) promote or provide information on how illegal activities, promote physical or verbal harm against any group or individual, or promote any act of cruelty to animals. This may include, but is not limited, to provide information about how to manufacture, acquire or assemble bombs, grenades or other weapons, and creating websites "crush"; i) post, transmit or otherwise make available personal data (name, address, telephone number) or record them in boxes that can be viewed by other users (descriptions, screen etc.) HIPO.RO does not guarantee the reliability, accuracy of information posted by users or endorses any opinions expressed by users. HIPO.RO acts as a passive factor in online distribution and publication of information provided by users and has no obligation to check in advance the material published by users. If requested by a user, the company can investigate and verify allegations and decide whether such information should be removed. HIPO.RO may assume actions or measures on the user or on information provided by its users. By introducing material in any public or private segment on the site, including forums and competitions, you grant HIPO.RO continuous, irrevocable access (including moral rights) and license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, distribute or to communicate the content (completely or partially) on an international scale, or to incorporate it in other works in any form, in the media or technology known or expected to develop in the future. You also allow any subscriber to access, view, store or reproduce such material for personal purposes. Subject to those mentioned above, the owner of such posted material keeps any rights that may derive from here. We appreciate our clients' messages and we welcome your comments regarding our services. Please note that our policy does not permit us to accept or consider any creative ideas, suggestions, inventions or materials other than those specifically requested by us.
Information for Users
When you register, we will request certain information including a valid email address. In addition to the terms and conditions that will be governed in site policy, you understand and agree that HIPO.RO may disclose to third parties certain aggregate information contained in your registration application. HIPO.RO will not disclose to any third party your name, address, email address or your telephone number without your consent, except as required by law, when disclosure of such information is required. HIPO.RO reserves the right to offer services to a third party based on data mentioned in your registration at any time after it occurred; such offers may be made by SC Catalyst Solutions SRL, by a third party.
Account, password and data security
You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your information and password. You will be responsible for the use of your registration, whether it is done with or without your will. You agree to notify HIPO.RO about any unauthorized use of your account and password. You also agree to use the log out button when you want to leave your site. Company shall not be liable for any moral or material damage caused if you breach of this provision. SC Catalyst Solutions SRL, if deemed fit, can block your password, your services use or any of its other services, or to remove and delete any content from the Service, for any reason.
SC Catalyst Solutions SRL can end providing services or parts of them, anytime it wants, without giving any reasons, with or without notifications. Any termination of your access to HIPO.RO`s services, under any rules of this Regulation can be made without any advanced warning, and you acknowledge and agree that SC Catalyst Solutions SRL can immediately deactivate or delete your account from HIPO.RO`s website and all information about it and/ or to prohibit any further access to HIPO.RO`s services. Moreover, SC Catalyst Solutions SRL will not be liable to you or to any third party in any way, to ban and/or delete your account and prohibit your access to services offered through HIPO.RO.
Use of material
SC Catalyst Solutions SRL authorizes you to view and download a single copy of the material from HIPO.RO (website) only for personal and non-commercial use. The content of this website, texts, graphics, photographs, software and other materials are protected by copyright. The entire material is owned by SC Catalyst Solutions SRL. The compilation (adding and rearranging) the content of this website is the exclusive right of HIPO.RO, right protected by law. Unauthorized use of the material is a violation of copyright law or other laws. You may not sell or modify the material, exhibit, distribute or use it in any other way for public or commercial reasons. On servers that are owned or leased by SC Catalyst Solutions SRL any unauthorized user access is prohibited. In case of trial and/or access these servers without right, the act constitutes an offense punishable under Romanian legislation. The property of the materials and information placed on HIPO.RO website. SC Catalyst Solutions SRL will not claim a right of ownership of the materials you provide to the company (including notes and suggestions) or that you post, upload or submit to any site of HIPO.RO. By submitting material, you agree to give permission to ?SC Catalyst Solutions SRL to use the materials, and also to: copy, distribute, transmit, publish, reproduce, modify and translate; to mention your name in connection with the material you have submitted; and the right to assign these rights to any partner of SC Catalyst Solutions SRL. Do not claim nor grant any compensation for the material use in the manner described above. The Company has no obligation to post on the website or use in any way the material provided by you; the company also has the right to remove your material at any time, without needing a reason to do so.
Relationship with companies who advertise on the site HIPO.RO
SC Catalyst Solutions SRL runs advertising campaigns and promotions on its site. Correspondence or participation in promotions of advertising companies found on or through the site, is solely your and those companies responsibility. SC Catalyst Solutions SRL is not responsible and shall not be held liable for any loss or damage of any kind arising from such relationship or from the presence of such companies in the advertising campaigns of the site HIPO.RO. By accepting the terms of this Contract, you give the rights to SC Catalyst Solutions SRL to send you periodic e-mails with information or special offers.
Links to other information providers or services
HIPO.RO may provide, or third parties may provide links to other World Wide Web sites or resources. Because SC Catalyst Solutions SRL has no control over such sites or resources, take in consideration and agree that SC Catalyst Solutions SRL is not responsible for their availability and does not guarantee for any content, advertising, products or other materials on the site or available from such sites or resources. Moreover, you admit and agree that SC Catalyst Solutions SRL will not be responsible or liable to pay damages, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use or reliance on the information provided by such content, goods or services available on or through such sites or resources.
Responsibilities HIPO.RO
Because user authentication on Internet is difficult, HIPO.RO does not confirm that each user is what it claims. Because we are not and cannot be involved in user-to-user relationship or we cannot control user`s behavior, in case of a dispute with one or more users, HIPO.RO (by its agents and employees) has no liability (direct or indirect) of any kind, known or unknown, suspected or not, disclosed or not, arisen in any way connected with such disputes. HIPO.RO has no legal obligation to control the information provided by other users, available on the site. Other information may be unpleasant, harmful or inaccurate. Material may contain inaccuracies or misspellings. HIPO.RO does not assume accuracy of the material on the site. Take in consideration and agree that you are solely responsible for the form, content or accuracy of the content or material placed by you on the site.
Limitation of Liability
Affirm that you acknowledge and you agree that SC Catalyst Solutions SRL will not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental damages, including unreached profits, using possibilities or other damages (even if SC Catalyst Solutions SRL has been advised of the possibility of appearing such damages), resulting from: a) the use or impossibility to use HIPO.RO`s services; b) unauthorized access to or alteration of your transmissions or data; c) statements or actions of any third party on site`s services; d) any other problem relating to site`s services.
Declare that you understand and you agree the following statements:
a) using the site HIPO.RO is at your own risk. b) SC Catalyst Solutions SRL makes no warranty that: b.1) the services will reach all your requirements; b.2) services will be uninterrupted, at time, secure or error free; b.3) the results that may be obtained from using the site HIPO.RO and the services provided will be accurate or reliable; b.4) any error in the software will be corrected; c) any material downloaded or obtained in another way by using the services provided by SC Catalyst Solutions SRL can be used only at your own risk and you are the only person responsible for any damage caused to the computer on which you access the webpage or data loss that may result from the download of such content.
General things
If any provision of this section "Terms and Conditions" is considered invalid by the legal forums, the invalidity of such provision will not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of the "Terms and Conditions", which remain in force. These "Terms and conditions" fully represent an agreement between you and SC Catalyst Solutions SRL regarding the use of the site HIPO.RO. These conditions can be modified by us from time to time without prior notification or acceptance from users. You can review the most current version of these Terms anytime by visiting this page. This Agreement constitutes the only convention between you and SC Catalyst Solutions SRL and governs your use of the website services HIPO.RO, imposing itself over any previous agreement between you and SC Catalyst Solutions SRL or its site (including but not limited to a previous version of the Regulation). You may be also subject to another version of the Regulation that can be applied when you use other services SC Catalyst Solutions SRL or its affiliates, content of any third party or the software of any third party. Rules and relationships between users and SC Catalyst Solutions SRL will be governed by the applicable laws in Romania.
General information collected by HIPO.RO
When you register on the site HIPO.RO by creating an account, by accessing various HIPO.RO`s services and products or by activation of promotional or advertising, HIPO.RO will process personal information that could identify a specific person. In some areas of the site, HIPO.RO will ask you to provide personal information, including your name, address, email, phone, contact information, billing information and other information that can identify you. In other areas of our sites, HIPO.RO collects or may collect demographic information that cannot identify you, such as zip code, age, gender, your interests. Sometimes we collect or may collect a combination between the two types of information. When creating an account on the site you are required to mention your first and last name, email address, birth date, gender, profession, zip code, industry, and personal interests. Creating your account on our website and subscribing to our services facilitates the access to your personal data. Also, HIPO.RO? receives and records on its servers information about the IP address and cookie information of the site you requested. HIPO.RO uses the stored information - details provided by you at registration and the activity that are taking place on our sites ? in purpose to facilitate the access to those sites to improve certain products and services and to inform you about the latest products and services that you are interested in.
Displaying personal information in public areas/domains on HIPO.RO
Over personal information posted by users in places/public places owned by HIPO.RO such as forums, chats, mailing lists, database with searchable CVs for being copied and stored by third parties, HIPO.RO has no control. We are not responsible for that third parties use information that you have posted or you made available in the public spaces that belong to HIPO.RO.
Collection and use of personal data by HIPO.RO
We use information gathered on HIPO.RO, whether if they are personal data, demographic data, collective or technical data, in order to manage your accounts recording, to settle your questions, to improve our site by consult users in order to increase the quality of products and services. When registering the account you have given consent to use your personal data to be notified by e-mail or other communication methods regarding updating websites, new opportunities offered by HIPO.RO and additional information that you are interested in and also, newsletters with useful information. The use of personal data by HIPO.RO is in accordance with the legal regulations in relation with the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data.
Sharing and Disclosure of Personal Information
HIPO.RO will not transmit (by sale or rent) to third parties your personal information. HIPO.RO can, submit information to third parties in the following cases: - With your approval; - If you need to share your information to provide products and services requested by you - If the information is necessary for company's partners for improving or facilitate services or products requested by you; Partner companies are entitled to use the personal data directly provided by HIPO.RO only if their assistance is necessary; - We can send personal information to public authorities or public institutions as required by law or good faith if: (a) it provided in a legal provision; (b) protect the rights of HIPO.RO or its affiliated companies; (c) prevent a crime or protect national security; (d) protect the personal safety of users or the public safety; (e) the information is necessary in order to solve different situations. - If your activities are contrary to the terms and conditions stated by HIPO.RO, or instructions for use of certain products and services; - In? case HIPO.RO merges or is totally acquired or only a part by another company, the database is transferred to the new operator. If HIPO.RO becomes insolvent, by its will or not, by the liquidator, administrator or database buyer can be sold, licensed, traded only with the consent of the court. In case the above situations will occur, you will be notified by email or by a notice posted on the site HIPO.RO.
The CVs
Since HIPO.RO is an online recruitment site we give you the possibility of registration your own CV in our database. There are two ways: 1. You can register your CV in our database and to not make it searchable for employers. To make it not searchable means that you can apply for jobs, but employers do not have access to your CV in the database. For this, you can use the option 'Private CV', available in section 'My HIPO' 2. You can make your CV searchable for third parties (people that use HIPO.RO for the service of searching CVs) who have access to our database and can, also, access your CV. If they want, they can unlock your contact information and you will be contacted by them. For this, you can use the option "Public CV", available in the section 'My HIPO'. You can delete your CV from our database anytime (but not earlier than 6 months after the most recent application made by you for a job). Your CV may be still in the database, only if the employers, recruiters, staffing managers, HR specialists have paid for a copy of our database, or in case the third parties have earned the right to access our database. We are not responsible for this kind of data storage. If you are posting another person`s information, it is required that the person has given its prior consent to this act.
Your right to modify and delete your data held by operator
HIPO.RO gives the user the right to edit your contact information you have registered, some aspects of which you are interested in, including new information about products and services launched. You can also require the operator to delete your data anytime.
Data Security
For privacy and data security HIPO.RO account is protected by a password;
For offering you a more fluid navigation on HIPO.RO, we are using an Internet browser feature called 'cookie'. Cookies are small files that your browser places on the user's hard drive. These cookies are used to store user names, passwords and preferences, in order to monitor views on the website, and to personalize the pages depending on every visitor. You have the option to set your browser to reject cookies too. In this case, however, there will be a negative impact on browsing our site.
HIPO.RO allows site`s users to send comments, questions and suggestions. Any information that is sent through the contact forms will be used by considering the privacy right and the image of people.
Privacy Policy Changes
If you believe that a privacy policy change is needed, we will post those changes on this webpage to inform you about the types of information we collect and the way we use them. If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please contact us at suport {la} hipo.ro. Thank you for using the HIPO.RO`s services.
Google ADS API - Enhanced conversions for web with the Google Ads API
Hipo.ro use and transfer to any other app of information received from Google APIs will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.
By using Hipo.ro as a registered user you agree that your personal data (email, phone number, name, city) is sent to Google after each successful job application on Hipo. Your data is transmitted securely and encrypted with SHA 256 to the Google Ads API. This allows us to be able to provide you with more relevant and customized ads.
Visit this page to find out how it works.
Delete account and personal data
If you want to delete your account please login into your account and then acces the following menu:
Step 1) login into your account on hipo, view how in this image.
Step 2) acces the meniu "Detalii cont", view how in this image.
Step 3) on the bottom of the page click on the link "sterge contul", view how in this image.
It is not allowed for candidates to insert emails or links in their profile, CV or cover letters on Hipo. This type of information can only be included in the dedicated fields on the website.
It is not allowed for employer companies to insert links or email addresses within the announcements or the brief description of the company within the announcements. This type of information can only be included in the dedicated fields on the website.
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