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Web Design & Content Specialist

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Angajator: Prohuman
  • Arhitectura - Design - Proiectare
  • IT Software
  • Marketing
  • Tip job: full-time
    Nivel job: 1 - 5 ani experienta
  • Actualizat la: 27.12.2018
    Remote work: On-site

    Scurta descriere a companiei

    With over 25 years of experience on the Romanian HR market, PROHUMAN APT (former APT Resources & Services) is the one of the biggest players in the industry, a force concentration evenly deployed across different specialties. Having approximate 4000 employees (mostly higher educated) in BPO and temporary work assignments, as of 2021, PROHUMAN APT ranks in the Top 3 HR providers in Romania.


    - Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Communications or related field
    - 3+ years relevant experience in working with web site marketing and communications.
    - Must be comfortable with HTML, CSS, and Javascript for site coding and editing.
    - At least a base level of comfort with design programs (e.g., Adobe PhotoShop or GIMP) to create and manipulate imagery for web sites.


    As a Web Desing & Content Specialist, you will be responsible for developing and implementing content on company-owned websites based on the directions given by project managers.

    - Assemble content and imagery/design consistent with the company’s direction and upload it to the company’s owned websites
    - Assist with code development to ensure new site content/designs are assembled such that they show correctly on the website.
    - Assist with graphic/image development