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2019 Graduate? You can discover Continental's opportunities!

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Vezi toate job-urile 2019 Graduate? You can discover Continental's opportunities! active pe

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Angajator: Continental
  • Inginerie
  • Tip job: full-time
    Nivel job: 0 - 1 an experienta
  • Sibiu
  • Actualizat la: 06.01.2019
    Remote work: On-site

    Preferably from the following profiles: *Applied electronics; *Telecommunications; *Automation and Computers; *Mathematics and Informatics; *Mechatronics & Robotics; *Machine Constructions; *etc.

    With sales of €44 billion in 2017, Continental is among the leading automotive suppliers worldwide and currently employs more than 240,000 employees in 61 countries. The Chassis & Safety division develops and produces integrated active and passive driving safety technologies as well as products that support vehicle dynamics. The product portfolio ranges from electronic and hydraulic brake and chassis control systems to sensors, advanced driver assistance systems, airbag electronics and sensorics as well as electronic air suspension systems all the way to windscreen washer systems and headlight cleaning nozzles. The focus lies on a high level of system competence and the networking of individual components. Thus products and system functions are developed along the SensePlanAct chain of effects. They form the foundation for automated driving. Chassis & Safety employs more than 47,700 people worldwide and generated sales of approximately €9.8 billion in 2017.

    Curious about Continental latest projects and trends in automotive area?

    You can subscribe now and you will have the chance to:

    * take part at presentations and market places about opportunities existing in our company;
    * visit the Research&Development Center and Production area;
    * test your abilities within a face-to-face interview with our technical experts.

    The visits will take place between 8th of November - 28th of November.

    The exact date will be communicated on posters in your faculties and via phone, for those who applied. Transport, accommodation (if the case) and meals will be provided by Continental.

    Looking forward to meet you!

    2019 Graduates from:

    * ULBS Engineering Faculty;
    * ULBS Science Faculty;
    * University of Craiova;
    * Pitesti University;
    * Petru Maior University of Tg. Mures;
    * Sapientia University of Tg. Mures;
    * 1 Decembrie 1918 University of Alba Iulia;
    * Technical University of Cluj Napoca;
    * Transylvania University of Brasov;
    * Constantin Brancusi University of Targu Jiu;
    * Polytechnic University of Bucharest;
    * Others - depending on applications.

    Preferably from the following profiles:

    * Applied electronics;
    * Telecommunications;
    * Automation and Computers;
    * Mathematics and Informatics;
    * Mechatronics & Robotics;
    * Machine Constructions;
    * but also other.

    These visits will offer you insights about projects, technologies and career opportunities within Continental Sibiu. All you have to do is to subscribe now to our visits inside Conti Sibiu and make sure that during our discussion with our technical colleagues you will be the best version of yourself! Join us!

    Ready to drive with Continental? Take the first step and fill in the online application.

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