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Stagiu de practica mentenanta Slatina

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Angajator: Pirelli
  • Productie
  • Tip job: stagiu de practica
    Nivel job: Student/Absolvent
  • Slatina
  • Actualizat la: 16.01.2019
    Remote work: On-site

    Scurta descriere a companiei

    Pirelli is open to the best people. It looks for talent both inside and outside the Company, encouraging and developing potential.
    At Pirelli you will be working with professionals at the top of their game. We are a global company drawing on talent, where people are encouraged to develop their skills and perform to the best of their abilities – whether you join as graduates or later in your career. We are dynamic, international and multicultural environment, which values collaboration and strong working relationships.
    Working at Pirelli is an opportunity to develop your skills and professional knowledge.


    Student anul III licenta sau anul I si II Master, specializarea Inginerie electrica, Mecanica, Electrotehnica
    Cunostinte excel
    Engleza mediu


    Actualizare baze de date in sistemul CMMS, specificPirelli.
    Implementare/gestionare flow piese de schimb.
    Actualizare stocuri.
    Intocmire proceduri de lucru.