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Angajator: Teleperformance Romania
  • Altele
  • Asigurari - Intermedieri financiare
  • Customer support - Client service
  • Tip job: full-time
    Nivel job: Student/Absolvent
  • Job la nivel national
    Actualizat la: 22.06.2019
    Remote work: On-site

    Scurta descriere a companiei

    Teleperformance,is the global leader in outsourced omnichannel customer experience management, and serves as a strategic partner to the world’s largest companies in a wide variety of industries. Its customer care, technical support, customer acquisition, consulting & analytics, digital integrated business service solutions and other high-value specialized services ensure consistently positive customer interactions that are reliable, flexible, and intelligent.

    We have 420,000 interaction experts across nearly 87 countries, speaking 265 languages and dialects to better serve our partners and their clients.

    Teleperformance Romania is a subsidiary of Teleperformance Group, the world leader in outsourced omnichannel customer experience management, starting its activity in 2004. We operate now with more than 1,700 employees providing quality services to first-line players both on the local market and on the international market (banks, insurance companies, telecommunication operators, gaming, tourism and others).

    Since June 2021, Teleperformance Romania is certified as being a Great Place to Work. This distinction reflects the synergy that TP employees have with the company, so this achievement is for everyone in the TPRO TEAM. 


    Queremos que nuestros empleados estén inspirados y motivados, queremos que se sientan orgullosos de pertenecer a nuestro equipo. Los ayudamos a construir sus carreras profesionales.
    Teleperformance Rumanía está buscando Representantes de Servicio de Atención al Cliente que hablen con fluidez el idioma español. Si sabes como mejorar la experiencia del cliente, manejando preguntas y preocupaciones con pasión, profesionalismo y amabilidad, ¡esta oferta de trabajo es para ti!


    Te ofrecemos:
    • Contrato de trabajo Full time / Part time
    • Salario competitivo
    • Horario de trabajo flexible
    • Oficina de clase alta y moderna ubicada en Bucarest
    • Entorno de trabajo multicultural y equipos de edades mixtas
    • Paquete de beneficios: vales de comida, transporte público, tarjetas de descuentos a través de diferentes socios, atención médica privada.