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Test Engineer

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Vezi toate job-urile Kimball Electronics Romania active.

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Angajator: Kimball Electronics Romania
  • Inginerie
  • Tip job: full-time
    Nivel job: peste 5 ani experienta
  • Timisoara
  • Actualizat la: 08.04.2019
    Remote work: On-site

    Scurta descriere a companiei

    In urma cu 10 ani investitia noastra de tip greenfield isi facea simtita prezenta entuziasta in Timisoara, iar astazi, suntem un competitor de renume în industria EMS: calitate, durabilitate, tehnologie si adictie pentru rigurozitate si creativitate in acelasi timp!

    Fie ca este vorba de clientii, angajatii, furnizorii, partenerii nostri, este simplu: „Facem intotdeauna lucrurile in modul corect!”

    Ne străduim să fim un bun angajator: un loc unde angajații noștri pot avea un job bun, sigur, sunt recompensați corect, se simt respectați și au ocazia să se dezvolte în mod autentic!

    Oamenii noștri reprezintă compania!


    Technical Skills
    - Highly innovative
    - University degree and Technical Trainings
    - + 3 years experience in EMS and Testing
    - Strong Lean Six Sigma knowledge and demonstrated track record of success
    - Understands DFM, DFT, and DFA
    -Previous AOI experience it is a big plus
    - Experience in testing and debugging PCBA assemblies and systems
    - Experience with C/C++/Visual Basic, NI LabView, and NI LabWindows/CVI.
    - Experience with mechanical test fixturing.
    - Ability to Quickly Diagnosis, Correct or Modify functional test programs.
    - Working knowledge of XML files, test databases, data collection methodology, and database schema construction.
    - Experience with manufacturing and test traceability systems.
    - Ability to translate theory into practice

    Interpersonal Skills
    - Must have the capability to translate technical language to operator digestible information
    - Ability to write clear and concise procedure and instructions
    - Ability to work with other teams and team members
    - Training and mentoring ability and desire
    - “Can do “ attitude
    - Customer Focused
    - Inspire confidence in our test department to our customers and prospective customers


    - Understand and be able to quote test at PCBA through final system test and ATO/CTO levels, including proper apportioning of system level test costs to options/classes and FRUs.
    - Develop manufacturing test specifications, test procedures, and test strategies.
    - Develop and implement production automated unit level tests and system level functional tests.
    - Responds to technical test and product issues which may occur in production.
    - Design in and continuously improve tester and test process RAS (reliability, availability, serviceability) and safety.
    - Collect and review test/yield data to continuously improve test processes, test coverage, and fault isolation algorithms.
    - Perform design for testability analysis on PCBAs and system level assemblies.
    - Coordinate test development projects with test equipment suppliers.
    - A member of a new product introduction project team who will be responsible for launching a functional test solution for the project.
    - Provide leadership to test technicians and operators
    - Assist test technician with understanding of test systems and test software.