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Battery management systems in automotive industry

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  • Educatie - Training
  • Inginerie
  • Productie
  • Tip anunt: eveniment
    Nivel anunt: Student/Absolvent
  • Arad
  • Oradea
  • Timisoara
  • Actualizat la: 18.03.2019
    Remote work: On-site

    HELLA is a global, family-owned company listed on the stock exchange that employs some 38,000 members of staff at over 125 locations in some 35 countries. The HELLA Group develops and manufactures lighting and electronic components and systems for the automotive industry, and also has one of the largest trade organizations for automotive parts, accessories, diagnosis and services within Europe.


    Join our SkillShop: "Battery management systems in automotive industry" at Angajatori de TOP Timisoara.

    The battery management system plays an important role in sustainable and ecological mobility. Some basic architectural principles will be addressed during the workshop, together with the design and implementation challenges.

    Speaker: Alexandru Paval, group leader on System and Software on Battery Management System.

    Participants’ profile:

    • Enthusiasts about a career in engineering or automotive

    When and where?

    • On Saturday, 16th March, 14:40-15:25;
    • In Timisoara, at Centrul Regional de Afaceri (C.R.A.F.T.), Room A.

    Other useful information:

    • We have a limited number of participants;
    • Only candidates who meet the company’s requirements will receive a confirmation e-mail.
    • You can register for one or more Conferences or Workshops, but we recommend to pay attention to the date and beginning hours because these may overlap. Click here for full AGENDA.


    *Prin inscrierea la acest eveniment, esti de acord ca datele tale personale sa fie folosite de Catalyst Solutions pentru a-ti permite participarea la eveniment (prin inscriere, confirmare, inregistrare la eveniment). De asemenea, intelegi si accepti termenii si conditiile