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Junior PR & Marketing executive

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Angajator: Adecco Romania
  • Marketing
  • Publicitate - Agentii publicitate
  • Tip job: full-time
    Nivel job: 0 - 1 an experienta
  • Actualizat la: 15.06.2019
    Remote work: On-site

    Scurta descriere a companiei

    An de an am dezvoltat parteneriate de business puternice cu cele mai reprezentative companii din România. Bazându-ne pe nevoile locale ale clienților noștri, am deschis noi branch-uri în orașele mari din România, ajungând la un număr de 15 sucursale.

    În anul 2017, Adecco România a intrat în cel de-al șaselea an în care este lider local de piață, adăugând continuu noi servicii și dezvoltându-le pe cele existente în strânsă legătură cu complexitatea mediului de business. Poziția de lider în termeni de turnover anual, număr de angajați temporari și poziții de permanent placement închise, este în același timp atât o realizare, cât și o responsabilitate. Acest status ne dă oportunitatea de a inova în termeni de sub-servicii HR și de a aduce valoare adăugată partenerilor noștri prin fiecare proiect HR.

    În acest moment, Adecco România oferă servicii HR 360 de grade, începând cu studiile salariale care au ca scop furnizarea de informații exacte legate de piață și finalizând cu serviciile de outplacement.


    We are looking for a motivated Junior PR & Marketing executive to join one of our clients brand management team, which will work as an executive brand manager for premium brands in a PR & Marketing Agency.

    The ideal candidate should have:
    • With a good set a value (integrity, loyalty, responsibility, truth, desire to be in service and to grow by bringing value, trustworthy, perseverance)
    • very good command of written and spoken English
    • very good communication & networking skills
    • writing skills & creative approach
    • a proactive, detail-oriented and creative personality
    • very good knowledge of MSOffice applications
    • very good knowledge of PPC on platforms like Ads, Youtube, Facebook & Instagram
    • the ability to work independently and as part of a team
    • the ability to handle multiple tasks, attention to details and organized
    • Very responsible, organized, accurate, focused on details, a clean way of working as a doctor, curious and passionate like an explorer;

    • Bachelor Degree, preferably in Marketing and Communication
    • 1-2 years experience in a marketing position; or student in its last year/graduate
    • PR, Marketing & Sales expertise in planning and implementing campaigns, media relations, organizing events, writing creative content, managing PPC campaigns – Google Ads, Youtube, Facebook & Instagram Ads etc.



    • Support in creating and implementing the PR & marketing strategies as well as the annual calendar of PR & marketing campaigns and events
    • Maintain media, VIP and influencers’ relations
    • Media monitoring & assure brands media coverage
    • Market & competition research
    • Create social media editorial plans and ads plans
    • Participate in different events as brand representative (conferences, media events etc)
    • Liaises with business partners, suppliers, media and advertising agencies.

    Alte informatii

    What we offer:

    • Attractive package: salary growing progressively
    • Opportunity for personal development in an entrepreneurial environment, contributing to the exponential growth of Romanian premium brands
    • Opportunity to learn and work in an integrated marketing and communication team, with a 360 degrees approach