Job-uri similare care te-ar putea interesa:

Aplica fara CV
Brasov, Fagaras,


Aplica fara CV
Bacau, Brasov, Iasi,

Vezi job-uri similare (19)

Human Resources Manager - Brasov

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Vezi toate job-urile in Customer support - Client service active pe

Vezi toate job-urile in Resurse Umane - Psihologie active pe

Angajator: Competence Call Center
  • Customer support - Client service
  • Resurse Umane - Psihologie
  • Tip job: full-time
    Nivel job: 1 - 5 ani experienta
  • Brasov
  • Actualizat la: 27.06.2019
    Remote work: On-site

    Scurta descriere a companiei

    CCC este una dintre companiile de top din Europa care ofera servicii de customer, la cel mai inalt nivel.
    Echipa CCC cuprinde in prezent peste 8.500 de profesionisti, in 22 locatii in 11 tari, oferind servicii internationale de customer service la cel mai inalt nivel.


    Descrierea jobului

    Your responsibilities:

    - Display of ads, conducting telephone interviews and job interviews
    - Planning and preparation of training groups
    - Support and advice to managers and staff on operational matters of HR management
    - Creation of employment contracts, warnings, notices and certificates
    - Personal development of employees
    - you work closely with employees and managers, the clients and the payroll together
    - Constant communication and interaction with other departments
    - Take constantly active part in the day-to day work of Human Resources Department


    We are looking for a competent person for the Human Resources Manager position for our location from Brasov.

    We will offer:
    • Stable job: Indefinite Period Employment Contract
    • Attractive salary package
    • Meal tickets shall be granted monthly
    • Private medical insurance coverage
    • Flexible schedule
    • Personal and professional development
    • Working environment at international standards
    • Special discounts provided by our partners in different industries (Banking, Gym & Fitness)

    Alte informatii

    Descrierea companiei

    CCC is one of the leading companies in providing professional customer care in Europe. More than 8500 service professionals in 22 locations, deliver international customer service solutions on the highest level.

    If you believe you have what it takes to join our team,we are waiting for your application! Come check us out!