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Internships in Roche Diagnostics – Commercial Trainee

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Employer: ROCHE Romania
  • Accounting - Finance
  • Pharmacy - Health
  • Internship
  • Job type: full-time
    Job level: 0 - 1 years of experience
  • Updated at: 02.05.2019
    Remote work: On-site

    Short company description

    Avand sediul central in Basel, Elvetia, Roche este una dintre cele mai importante companii farmaceutice bazate pe cercetare si dezvoltare si unul dintre liderii mondiali in domeniul farmaceuticelor si diagnosticelor. Fiind cea mai mare companie de biotehnologie la nivel mondial, ce ofera produse si servicii inovatoare destinate detectiei precoce, preventiei, diagnosticului si tratamentului bolilor, Grupul Roche contibuie pe o scara larga la imbunatatirea sanatatii si calitatii vietii oamenilor. Roche este lider mondial in oncologie, transplant si diagnosticare in � vitro, lider de piata in virologie si este activ in alte arii terapeutice majore cum ar fi bolile autoimune, bolile inflamatorii, problemele metabolice si bolile sistemului nervos central.

    La nivel global Grupul are aproximativ 75.000 de angajati si se mandreste cu faptul ca a creat un mediu de lucru in care fiecare angajat isi poate dezvolta abilitatile, poate contribui pe termen lung la succesul companiei si este real apreciat in conformitate cu activitatea depusa.
    Pentru informatii suplimentare, va rugam sa accesati


    We are looking for students of Accounting, Finance or Pharma related, who are interested in developing their professional career in a multinational environment.

    If you are a team player with great interpersonal abilities, details orientation and fast learning skills and if you are curious, committed, and determined to make a difference, join us.
    You’ll have the chance to advance your skills through our Internship program that complements your studies.


    Administrate tender contracts, track contracts in company’s systems and tools, including right approval path and status monitoring.
    Collaborate with the department team members, as well as with the sales force and customers.
    Offer support to the team in preparing complete and accurate commercial offers and will send the offers in due time to the customers.
    Execute the contracts, and monitor the status of existing contracts to assure valid contracts will be prepared in due time for effective and efficient sales.
    Monitor public acquisition websites in order to identify tenders for Roche products.

    Other info

    The program will last for 6 months and will be remunerated.