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Internship Recrutare IT&C

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Angajator: ALTEN Romania
  • Internship
  • IT Software
  • Resurse Umane - Psihologie
  • Tip job: full-time
    Nivel job: Student/Absolvent
  • Job la nivel national
    Actualizat la: 15.02.2020
    Remote work: On-site

    Scurta descriere a companiei

    ALTEN Romania, part of the international ALTEN Group - with a unique position as Leader in IT & Engineering Consulting, provides support for its clients’ development strategies in the fields of innovation, R&D and IT systems since 1996. The company comprises 2 divisions specialized on its core capabilities: ENGINEERING and IT. These two divisions are: ALTEN TECHNO and ALTEN IT.


    - Student an terminal sau absolvent studii superioare.
    - Abilitati de comunicare si relationare.
    - Proactivitate si spirit de initiativa.
    - Responsabilitate si constiinciozitate.
    - Bune cunostinte de limba engleza.


    ALTEN ROMANIA te invita sa intri in programul de INTERNSHIP RECRUTARE IT, program in cadrul caruia vei putea descoperi ce inseamna procesele de recrutare si selectie, vei fi responsabil de identificarea si contactarea candidatilor, abordarea si pregatirea unui interviu, precum si cu relationarea cu departamente diverse in cadrul companiei.

    Daca esti proaspat absolvent, pasionat de domeniul Resurse Umane si dornic sa iti consolidezi cunostintele acumulate, te invitam cu drag sa te alaturi Echipei noastre.

    Misiunea ta este sa te pui in valoare!
    Noi iti oferim mediul potrivit!