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Sensor Fusion Algorithm Developer - ADAS TSR

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Angajator: Continental
  • Inginerie
  • IT Software
  • Tip job: full-time
    Nivel job: 0 - 1 an experienta
  • Timisoara
  • Actualizat la: 12.01.2020
    Remote work: On-site

    By joining our team, you will contribute to the development of algorithms for a multi-sensor fusion system, the Comprehensive Environment Model, which represents the essential step towards the SAE L2+ autonomous driving system. You will contribute in development state of the art algorithms for fusing various sensor technologies (e.g. cameras, radars, etc.) which are being used to detect various environmental features which will be fused in a variety of perception classes like traffic participants, road model, stationary obstacles, free space and many other classes. You will be joining a team of worldwide experts in many cutting edge domains: sensor fusion, autonomous driving and assistance systems. We are engineers, mathematicians and physicists. Daily activities include:

    <li>Concept creation, design and documentation;

    <li>Fusion algorithm development;

    <li>Implementation in C/C++;

    <li>Simulation in dedicated environments.

    <li>Supporting vehicle integration and tests (test track)

    <li>Development accordingly with ISO-26262 standard A mentor will support you to stepwise take over own responsibility after an initial training phase which will familiarize you with our products, tools, processes and organization.

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