Operator robo?i industriali, CljP

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Employer: Bosch Romania
  • Marketing
  • Job type: full-time
    Job level: Student/Graduate
  • Cluj Napoca
  • Updated at: 04.03.2020
    Remote work: On-site

    Company Description

    Welcome to a place where your ideas lead to something big. Welcome to Bosch. In 2013, Bosch set up an Automotive Electronics Plant, the heart of Transylvania, in order to develop high quality products and innovative solutions for our international customers.  
    The expertise of our associates, the passion for technology, the enthusiastic and young spirit of Cluj and the close collaboration with the local universities are the main drivers for the success of Bosch Cluj.
    In Jucu, Cluj county, Bosch operates a production unit for electronic components for the automotive industry since 2013. The plant features also a Training Center in the Bosch campus opened in 2017, and equipped with modern training rooms and workshops equipped with state-of-the-art tools for the training of high-school students in the dual educational system, but also for the continuous development of Bosch associates.
    As part of its strong commitment to Romania, Bosch has extended their products portfolio and increased the professional development of their associates to reach the customer demands. In the Automotive Electronics Plant Bosch manufactures electronic control units for eBike powertrain and for driver assistance and safety electronics, which provide safety in traffic and increase driving convenience.
    In order to increase competitiveness and make production more efficient, Bosch has implemented Industry 4.0 solutions at the Automotive Electronics Plant in Cluj, such as the MES Manufacturing Execution System.
    So way not join us in starting something remarkable?  Make it happen.


    Additional Information

    Job Description

    Compania Robert Bosch recruteaza un numar de 150 de tehnicieni-operatori, fara experienta, pentru fabrica din localitatea Jucu, judetul Cluj.

    Domeniul de activitate este automotive, mai specific, sunt produse unitati de control electronic al airbag-ului, camere multiple pentru asistenta la condus, sisteme electronice de sporire al sigurantei rutiere si al confortului soferului si altele, fabrica diversificandu-si gama de produse din 2014, cand a luat nastere pe piata clujeana pentru a putea satisface nevoile clientilor.

    Pentru a putea livra doar produse de calitate, Bosch investeste mult tn formarea continua a anagajatilor, acestia fiind mereu informati si la curent cu cele mai noi tehnologii. Pentru facilitarea cursurilor, a fost construit un centru de training de care beneficiaza si elevii Scolii Duale.

    Daca te-am facut curios de cum arata fabrica si cum este sa fii operator la noi, participa la sesiunile de angajare pe loc tn fiecare luni si joi, la The Office (Blvd. 21 Decembrie 1989, nr 77 Cluj Napoca), tncepand cu ora 9:30.

    Programeaza-te la numarul de telefon: 0799 099 090. Te asteptam!

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