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BUCURESTI, Iasi, Timisoara, Job national

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Brand & Marketing Internship

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Employer: ING Bank Romania
  • Marketing
  • Media - Journalism
  • Advertising
  • Job type: full-time
    Job level: 0 - 1 years of experience
  • Updated at: 12.03.2021
    Remote work: On-site

    Short company description

    Da, suntem o bancă și da, ne luăm munca în serios, dar când vine vorba de noi înșine, suntem destul de relaxați. Colegii noștri sunt prietenoși, deci nu vei rămâne pentru mult timp ,,persoana cea nouă”, plini de energie, deci nu vei avea timp să te plictisești și te vor ajuta la fiecare pas, deci nu-ți face griji pentru perioada de acomodare.
    Punem preț pe individualitate și încurajăm fiecare persoană să facă lucrurile în felul ei.

    ING este o bancă internațională cu o puternică bază europeană. Peste 60.000 de colegi deservesc aproximativ 38 de milioane de clienți și clienți corporate din peste 40 de țări.
    Suntem mândri de alcătuirea noastră diversă și multinațională. Să te alături echipei ING înseamnă să iei parte unei culturi pentru care colaborarea și incluziunea sunt importante. Înseamnă să ai un mod de lucru flexibil și înseamnă să contribui la impactul pozitiv pe care ne străduim să-l avem asupra oamenilor și planetei.


    What you bring to the team

    • Currently enrolled or recently graduated from a Bachelor or Master program.
    • Previous work or internship experience is appreciated, preferably in marketing or communications
    • Excellent English skills (verbal and written) are essential;
    • Excellent knowledge of MS Office Word, Excel, Power Point;
    • An eye for details and great sense of humor.

    Your profile
    • Willing to learn and not afraid to roll up your sleeves when needed
    • Team player who enjoys collaborating but can be trusted to take on tasks and jobs on their own
    • Good communication and interpersonal skills
    • Organizational and project management skills
    • Passionate about all things digital


    Internship Program Description

    You’ll be part of our team in Bucharest. In this team we are constantly working on bringing the brand to life in the market and for our customers by for example creating communication, campaigns and activations. We work closely with our colleagues from the business who develop the products and services, to create the ING customer experience we are so proud of and attract new customers.

    We are looking for an enthusiastic intern to give us a hand and support our brand & marketing team in realizing our goals and ambitions. You will work closely with our marketing professionals and the different product owners in the business.

    This 6 months paid internship will provide you with the opportunity to experience firsthand what it means to work for one of the most loved brands in Romania, a digital leader in its industry and what it is like working in an international company.

    In return we ask a flexible mindset, a “can-do” mentality and a drive to get things done.

    This internship will help you acquire marketing and communications skills, a hands-on experience of working in a professional marketing team and provide you with knowledge related to the financial industry. You will have the chance to work with passionate people who will mentor and prepare you to enter any fast-paced work environment.

    What exactly will you be doing?

    You will be generic support to the marketing team. No worries, we will not ask you to get us coffee, lunch or make prints, you will participate in preparing campaigns, writing briefs, aligning with the business, reviews with the agencies, in short supporting in any kind of work that is needs to be done.
    In the beginning you will work side by side with the different team members but if the opportunity presents itself you could also be working on certain topics on your own.

    Other info

    What kind of environment can you expect

    We are a team that takes our work and profession very serious but not ourselves. We take pride in what we do but we also make sure to have fun along the way.
    Working at ING means working in an environment where things can change fast. You need to be able to adapt, accept, learn and move on. And don’t get discouraged!
    If you are interested in joining our team, please apply with your CV and motivation letter.