I LOVE Tech Timisoara - MAIN STAGE

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Company: Hipo Events
  • Internship
  • IT Hardware
  • IT Software
  • Ad type: event
    Ad level: 0 - 1 years of experience
  • Arad
  • Oradea
  • Timisoara
  • Updated at: 14.10.2023
    Remote work: On-site

    Fall in love with technology all over again at 
    I LOVE Tech Conference!


    Welcome to the I LOVE Tech Conference, a one-of-a-kind event dedicated to inspiring and empowering tech enthusiasts from Timisoara to explore the exciting world of technology.

    Join us for a dynamic program packed with interactive keynotes, inspiring speakers, and hands-on experiences that will challenge your thinking and ignite your passion for tech.


    When? 14th of October 2023

    Where? Centrul Regional de Afaceri Timisoara, CRAFT

    Price? Register now and get 100 % FREE access! Don't forget to invite your friends and joing the conference together!


    Learn new skills, connect with peers who share your interests, and gain valuable insights into the latest trends and technologies that are shaping the future of the industry.

    Whether you're just getting started or already have a background in tech, this conference is the perfect place to discover new opportunities, connect with leading companies, and take your first step towards a rewarding career in technology. 



    11:30 - 12:00 INTRO SPEECH powered by Mike Dolha - Frontend Web Developer @Nagarro/ Moderator – Podcaster – Voice Actor – Musician   

    "I have been writing code professionally since 2014 and while I have worked on a variety of projects and technologies, my main driver has been frontend development with Angular. On the side I have started investing time and energy in my hobbies, which all have something to do with audio and sound. I feel at home whether I am on stage, in front of thousands of people, moderating conferences or events, or at home in front of the microphone podcasting or recording voices for cartoons or ads."


    12:00 - 12:30 - Keynote: Hybrid Solutions for the Modern World: From Concept to Reality powered by  Claudia Medregoniu - Software Test Engineer @HELLA Romania  

    Motto - „Singurii oameni care percep întregul tablou sunt cei care ies afară din cadru. ”– Salman Rushdie.

    Pentru a putea avea privirea de ansamblu a tabloului, Ana-Claudia Medregoniu a ales să iasă din cadrul acestuia. Ce a făcut? După finalizarea studiilor în domeniul Istoriei, în 2018 s-a înscris la Facultatea de Automatică și Calculatoare din cadrul Universității Politechnica din Timiș. Aici a luat contact cu diferite limbaje de programare. În prezent, este Software Test Engineer la FORVIA HELLA.

    Se consideră o fire ambițioasă ,perseverentă și căreia îi plac provocările. Este pasionată de mașini, dincolo de aspectul lor, mai ales de modul lor de funcționare. Din acest considerent, alegerea domeniului automotive, și implicit, a companiei, au venit cât se poate de natural.

    12:30 - 13:00 - Keynote: Unseen Leaders: Elevating Women in the Tech World powered by Steliana Moraru - Chief Operating Officer @OTP Leasing

    As the Chief Operating Officer for OTP Leasing, part of OTP Group, Steliana Moraru is a dynamic change agent who oversees multiple sectors, including marketing, IT, strategic projects, client service & customer care, and logistics. With a diverse background that spans business management, digital transformation, and corporate social responsibility, together with her team, she plays an important role in implementing the company's vision.

    Previously focused on tech-for-good initiatives, Steliana has been part of teams developing groundbreaking projects in e-government, social welfare technology, digital transformation primarily targeting Central and Eastern Europe. She is deeply passionate about the transformative power of technology, data-driven decisions, and fostering positive change within communities.

    This talk will examine the gender gap in tech leadership roles and offer actionable steps to lift women into these critical positions.

    13:00 - 13:30 - Coffee & Networking Break - coffee is on us!

    13:30 - 14:00 -  Keynote: Cybersecurity in the Software Defined Vehicle context powered by Anton Florin - CyberSecurity Expert @Continental Automotive
    Florin Anton is one of the dynamic voices of automotive innovation and he represents Continental Corporation in the Autosar Partnership. His passion for the future of automotive technology thrives as Florin is specialized in cybersecurity and is the key contributor of the Adaptive Platform Demonstrator.  As the Security Techboard Coordinator and leader of the Cybersecurity Community in Romania for Continental, he plays an essential role in shaping the landscape of automotive cybersecurity awareness and learning in the company. 

    Explore together with Florin the intricate landscape of modern, connected vehicles and understand the paramount role of cybersecurity as the enabler of software-defined automotive evolution. Uncover the nuances of critical threats looming and gain actionable insights into addressing these challenges head-on revealing the pivotal role that AUTOSAR plays in fortifying the defenses of next-generation vehicles. 

    Learn firsthand the strategies that will shape the future of protecting software-defined vehicles against cyber attacks. 

    14:00 - 14:30 - Keynote: Intel Timisoara- part of AI revolution powered by Intel Timisoara

    Cristina Lazăr - AI Engineering Manager @ Intel Timisoara

    Cristina lucreaza de 10 ani la Intel unde a inceput ca programator software pentru aplicatii de computer vision. In prezent, conduce o echipa de compilator de retele neuronale.

    Ștefan Sănătescu - Standard Firmware & Sysdebug Team Lead @ Intel Timisoara

    Ștefan lucreaza de 1.5 ani in Intel. Pasionat de tehnologie, dar si de creat experiente pozitive in echipa. In prezent, conduce o echipa de ingineri de sistem.


    14:30 - 15:00 - Keynote: Mobile app development: past, present and future powered by Giovanni Laquidara - Sr. Developer Advocate @

    “What stands as one of the most impactful technologies in our always-connected world? The smartphone.Learning how to develop effectively for this platform and the other devices around it, will provide you with the opportunity to improve lives.

    Join me as we dive deep into the lessons from its history, gain insights into the current landscape of mobile app development, and analyze the potential future it holds.
    We will explore the tools, frameworks, methodologies, and real-life anecdotes from my experiences that can support your career path to success should you choose to embark on this journey.”

    15:00 - 15:30 - Keynote: Diversity and Inclusion in Tech: Strategies for Creating Equal  Opportunities powered by Svitlana Samko  - Senior Technical Project Manager @ Verizon Connect

    Svitlana has demonstrated her exceptional mentoring skills by inspiring non-technical individuals to pursue and thrive in the IT field. Her contributions have inspired countless individuals and sparked meaningful discussions on the future of technology. Svitlana's tireless commitment to advising, guiding, and empowering others in the tech industry has had a transformative effect on the lives and careers of those she has mentored.

    In this compelling talk, we delve into the critical topic of Diversity and Inclusion in the tech industry, exploring effective strategies to foster equal opportunities. Our speaker will share insights, actionable approaches, and real-world examples to inspire positive change within Tech organization and inclusive workplace culture. Attendees will gain invaluable tools to drive innovation, increase productivity, and build a stronger, more inclusive tech community.

    Join this enlightening discussion that aims to reshape the future of tech for the better.

    *the agenda can suffer some changes

    The seats are LIMITED so book your free place now using the register button below and be one of the first people to hear the news and updates regarding the agenda, speakers, and special guests.


    Join us at the I LOVE Tech Conference and unlock your potential as a future innovator and tech leader!


    • Trainings

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