Chief Accountant/Financial Controller

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Angajator: SIMTEL Team
  • Contabilitate Finante
  • Tip job: full-time
    Nivel job: peste 5 ani experienta
  • Actualizat la: 14.04.2024
    Remote work: On-site
    Scurta descriere a companiei

    Grupul SIMTEL este unul dintre jucatorii importanti in energie regenerabila, automatizari industriale și telecomunicatii. Lider in Romania in constructia si mentenanta centralelor electrice fotovoltaice, este din 2012 Partener oficial al ABB pentru automatizari, devenind cel mai bun integrator Telekom din Romania in 2016.
    Din 2021, Simtel este o companie romaneasca de inginerie și tehnologie, listata pe piata AeRO a Bursei de Valori Bucuresti si lider de piata in constructia si mentenanța centralelor electrice fotovoltaice.
    Din august 2023, actiunile Simtel au fost incluse in indexul MSCI Frontier Markets Small Cap și MSCI Romania Small index Cap. Grupul Simtel ofera companiilor un ecosistem complet si integrat, incepand cu consultanta, autorizare, constructie, mentenanta, operare, masurare, control si furnizare de energie.
    Curajosi prin inginerie si tehnologie, realizam lucruri unice, exceland in energie regenerabila, telecom, platforme software si roboți autonomi, pentru a aduce solutii inovatoare si durabile, intr-o lume in continua schimbare.
    La SIMTEL credem foarte mult in potentialul oamenilor si ii sprijinim sa creasca si sa se perfectioneze. Incurajam diversitatea si suntem o organizatie deschisa si orientata spre invatare. Credem in spiritul de echipa, in inovatie, dar si in autenticitate si performanta, valori care ne definesc ca si echipa.


    University or master's degree in Finance / Economics.
    - Minimum 8 years of professional experience in accounting, reporting and taxation.
    - Proficient in MS Excel.
    - Strong knowledge and experience of IFRS.
    - Good English skills.
    - Very good analytical, problem-solving, and decision-making skills.
    - Initiative, proactive, and result-oriented person.
    - Very good experience in audit preparation and reporting.
    - Ability to work in a team.


    - Collect, check, control, and register accounting/financial data.
    - Support the activity of the Financial Director through weekly and monthly reports.
    - Provide the Financial Director with all the necessary information for managerial decisions in relation to the company's shareholders, clients, suppliers, banks, or other legal entities in accordance with the financial legislation in force.
    - Analyze the financial data and prepare financial statements (balance sheets, income statements, Stock Exchange reports, others) and other reports.
    - Transmit timely and accurate monthly/yearly financial statements.
    - Preparing monthly statements of VAT, profit tax, payroll and other taxes.
    - Prеpare spеciаl rеports to manаgemеnt, at the request.
    - Back-up for the Financial Director when needed.


    • Bonus de performanta
    • Prime ocazii speciale (ex: Paste, Craciun, 8 mar etc)
    • Abonament medical
    • Training-uri
    • Cursuri
    • Zile libere suplimentare
    • Laptop
    • Telefon mobil
    • Tichete de masa

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