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E-commerce Manager-Wella Professionals-Bucuresti

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  • Internet - eCommerce
  • Marketing
  • Vanzari
  • Tip job: full-time
    Nivel job: peste 5 ani experienta
  • Actualizat la: 15.05.2024
    Remote work: Hybrid
    Scurta descriere a companiei

    Interbrands Orbico este unul dintre cei mai mari distribuitori de produse FMCG și Beauty din România, parte a Grupului Orbico, cel mai mare distribuitor din Europa, cu o prezență activă în 24 de țări.

    Avem peste 200 de branduri în portofoliul nostru și peste 30 000 de clienți în România.

    Aducem valoare partenerilor noștri prin soluțiile digitale și logistice pe care le oferim, printr-o gamă largă de produse de calitate și o viziune bazată pe performanță.


    Working experience as an Ecommerce Lead/Expert either for a standalone B2C or B2B ecommerce (at least 5 years in the role)
    Experience in developing, launching and activating ecommerce platforms
    Experience with key ecommerce selling and marketing tools & tactics (ex. emerchandising, promotions, search, recommendations, product pages performance, A/B testing)
    Knowledge of customer lifecycle management (ex. leads acquisitions and nurturing, conversion to sales, segmentation and personalisation of communication through marketing automation
    Knowledge of analytics platforms (Google and Facebook tools for marketers)
    Knowledge of beauty market; interested in beauty trends
    Excellent command of English
    Very good communication and collaboration skills
    Additional skills:

    Experience in implementing and activating a B2B platform in traditional sales organization (additional benefit/not required)
    Working experience as an Ecommerce Lead/Expert either for a standalone B2C or B2B ecommerce (at least 5 years in the role)
    Experience in developing, launching and activating ecommerce platforms
    Experience with key ecommerce selling and marketing tools & tactics (ex. emerchandising, promotions, search, recommendations, product pages performance, A/B testing)
    Knowledge of customer lifecycle management (ex. leads acquisitions and nurturing, conversion to sales, segmentation and personalisation of communication through marketing automation
    Knowledge of analytics platforms (Google and Facebook tools for marketers)
    Knowledge of beauty market; interested in beauty trends
    Excellent command of English
    Very good communication and collaboration skills

    Additional skills:
    Experience in implementing and activating a B2B platform in traditional sales organization (additional benefit/not required)


    The role objective of the E-commerce Manager is designing and overseeing the execution of digital sales strategy. The role also includes provision of guidance and oversight to all employees involved in the development of e-commerce.

    Key job duties
    Implements the e-commerce platform and ensures successful adaptation of internal and external stakeholders to the implemented platform
    Responsible for the activation and monetization of the platform
    Drives the sales performance of the e-commerce platform sales regarding eB2B
    Develops and updates the commercial strategy of the e-commerce platform
    Responsible for the ongoing functioning and development of the platform and coordinates with other departments to resolve issues when needed
    Supports Sales department in cooperation with e-commerce partners (in setting KPIs, budgets, campaigns, etc.)
    Develops the needed digital skills within the organization
    Manages and executes e-commerce promotional campaigns
    Provides insights on digital customer shopping trends to support assortment selection and identify assortment gaps
    Ensure good customer service by addressing and ensuring the timely resolution of customer issues or comments
    Works closely with demand planning and warehousing teams in order to ensure smooth order fulfillment.
    Provides analysis and reporting on metrics such as weekly/monthly digital, eB2B, sales by department, new product sell-through and offer code performance.
    People responsibilities:
    Other tasks defined by the direct supervisor or by the employer
    Engages in collaboration with the business and stakeholders to develop a professional relationshipSupports team leaders and managers in the day to day operative and ad-hoc tasks


    • Bonus de performanta
    • Prime ocazii speciale (ex: Paste, Craciun, 8 mar etc)
    • Asigurare medicala
    • Training-uri
    • Cursuri
    • Abonament Bookster
    • Discount produse companie /companii partenere
    • Zile libere suplimentare
    • Program de lucru flexibil
    • Teambuilding-uri / excursii
    • Petreceri/evenimente companie
    • Laptop
    • Telefon mobil
    • Fun / Relax Area
    • Tichete de masa

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