Channel Marketing Specialist

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Angajator: IHM Total Consult Romania
  • Agricultura
  • Tip job: full-time
    Nivel job: 1 - 5 ani experienta
  • Actualizat la: 28.07.2024
    Remote work: On-site
    Scurta descriere a companiei

    IHM Total Consult este, incepand cu iunie 2019, parte din SGB Humangest Holding, un grup italian de companii care ofera servicii de consultanta specializata in domeniul selectiei, formarii si managementului resurselor umane. IHM Total Consult a fost fondata in 2004 si se afla acum printre primii 5 jucatori din domeniul resurselor umane pe piata din Romania, avand in vedere cifra de afaceri.
    Toate aplicatiile si datele sunt considerate confidentiale.

    Compania noastra este ferm angajata in promovarea unui mediu de lucru si a unei comunitati incluzive, respectuoase si libere de orice forma de discriminare. Nu toleram discriminarea de niciun fel, inclusiv, dar fara a se limita la, discriminarea pe baza genului, rasei, culorii, religiei, orientarii sexuale, nationalitatii, handicapului sau a oricarei alte caracteristici personale.
    Toate deciziile referitoare la angajare, promovare, formare profesionala, compensare si alte aspecte ale angajarii sunt luate fara a tine cont de aceste caracteristici. Ne angajam sa asiguram egalitatea de sanse pentru toti candidatii, angajatii si colaboratorii nostri si sa promovam diversitatea si incluziunea in toate aspectele activitatii noastre.
    Valorile noastre fundamentale sunt respectul, egalitatea si demnitatea pentru toti indivizii. Ne straduim constant sa mentinem un mediu sigur si primitor pentru toti membrii comunitatii noastre.


    • Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Communication, IT, Finance or other related disciplines.
    • Minimum 3 years of experience in marketing, communication or business.
    • Minimum 2 years of experience in business development or lead generation activities.
    • Experience with sales automation and integrated communications programs (ex: Salesforce).
    • Proficient in English, second language French/German.
    • Microsoft Office package knowledge (Excel, Power Point, Word, Visio – a plus).
    • Data evaluation skills.
    • Problem solving skills and approaching issues in multiple ways.
    • Ability to act as part of multiple projects at the same time in a fast-paced environment.
    • Excellent influencing and negotiation skills.


    • Identify business opportunities within received leads and assign them to the right responsible.
    • Optimize lead scoring and assignment programs to support sales team.
    • Identify opportunities to automate elements of the global Lead Management, driving optimization of execution.
    • Take ownership and offer guidance to Lead Management Representatives, to prioritize as well as to direct urgent leads to right responsible.
    • Identify and recommend policy and process improvements to enhance the effectiveness of the Lead Management processes and decrease the lead cycle time.
    • Identify opportunities to automate elements of the global Lead Management, driving optimization of execution.
    • Define and implement data acquisition and update activities to maintain database at desired coverage and quality levels.
    • Audit and document the managed scoring models.
    • Work closely with Marketing team to improve continuously the quality and measurement for a solid Lead Management Process.
    • Work with other functions (e.g. sales excellence, IT) to develop a broader lead management strategy
    • Ensure that the demand waterfall is delivering strong conversion rates.
    • Communicate lead and data management status, progress and success.

    Alte informatii

    • Competitive salary package.
    • Meal Tickets.
    • Private Health Insurance.
    • Flexible Benefits.
    • Christmas Bonus and Easter Bonuses.
    • Multinational environment.

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