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Senior Accountant

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Angajator: APS Romania
  • Asigurari - Intermedieri financiare
  • Banci
  • Contabilitate Finante
  • Tip job: full-time
    Nivel job: 1 - 5 ani experienta
  • Actualizat la: 28.06.2024
    Remote work: On-site
    Scurta descriere a companiei

    Asset Portfolio Servicing Romania is part of the APS leading company founded in 2004 and headquartered in Prague, the Czech Republic. APS provides comprehensive services in distressed and performing loans portfolios investment advisory and recovery management and performs asset management. Involving more than 800 experts, it provides services in 15 European countries: Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Luxembourg, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Greece, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia.

    APS manages assets totaling in nominal value more than EUR 8.6 billion and provides exclusive investment advisory to five investment vehicles and recognized institutional investors. Since 2013, APS is an official partner of International Finance Corporation (IFC), member of World Bank. APS has a single shareholder, Martin Machoň, APS cofounder and CEO.

    APS Romania was founded at the end of 2007, rapidly growing into one of the most active investors and managers of the performing and non-performing loans, partner of the strongest financial and non-financial companies in Romania.


    • Economic university degree (finance-accounting profile);
    • Previous experience in accounting at least 4 years;
    • Strong knowledge in the accounting field;
    • Very good MS Office skills;
    • Good knowledge of English (written / spoken intermediate level);
    • Very conscientious, rigorous and meticulous person in performing tasks;
    • Dynamic personality with positive attitude;
    • Flexibility and reliability.


    • Responsibility for overall accounting in accordance with applicable regulations and internal guidelines;
    • Daily accounting operations, general ledger, balance sheet and income statement;
    • Participating to the monthly closing of the trial balance and providing information for the internal reports, according to the specific internal regulations;
    • Preparation within the legal terms of the fiscal statements and reports;
    • Preparation within the legal terms of the half-year and annual financial statements;
    • Reporting according to internal regulations and according to the requirements of the Institute of Statistics / National Bank of Romania;
    • Assisting the audit process and providing of required documents;
    • Elaboration of working procedures for the efficiency of the department activity;
    • Contact with financial authorities, audit and tax advisors;
    • Cooperation with the Finance Director and other members of the Accounting Department;
    • Other responsibilities and tasks assigned by the direct manager.

    Alte informatii

    Asset Portfolio Servicing Romania S.R.L. prelucreaza datele cu caracter personal in scopul procesului de selectie si recrutare in conformitate cu Regulamentul (UE) 2016/679 al Parlamentului European și al Consiliului din 27 aprilie 2016 privind protecția persoanelor fizice în ceea ce privește prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal și privind libera circulație a acestor date și de abrogare a Directivei 95/46/CE (Regulamentul general privind protecția datelor), iar informarea dvs. se realizeaza in baza art. 12, art. 13 si art. 14 din regulamentul anterior mentionat si este disponibila pe pagina APS.


    • Bonus anual
    • Prime ocazii speciale (ex: Paste, Craciun, 8 mar etc)
    • Abonament medical
    • Training-uri
    • Cursuri
    • Decontarea transportului
    • Program de lucru flexibil
    • Teambuilding-uri / excursii
    • Petreceri/evenimente companie
    • Laptop