Frontend Designer

Angajator: Key Talents
  • IT Software
  • Tip job: full-time
    Nivel job: 1 - 5 ani experienta
  • Actualizat la: 06.07.2024
    Remote work: Hybrid

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    Scurta descriere a companiei

    We build strong relationships based on highest level of integrity, quality and quality.
    Key Talents provides a various rage of services to companies and individuals focusing on recruitment, training, career advisory, QA audit, IT consultancy services, QA training delivered for individuals or client’s internal teams.


    At minimum 3 years of experience working as a designer
    Solid understanding of HTML and CSS: Solid understanding and practical
    experience in writing clean, semantic HTML markup and CSS stylesheets
    Basic knowledge of JavaScript for Front-End Development: Basic understanding of JavaScript fundamentals and the ability to connect to existing data structures and APIs to retrieve and manipulate data for display.

    Experience in creating views and user interfaces using JavaScript frameworks like React.js, focusing on translating design mockups into functional components without the expectation of developing backend functionality.
    Experience with UI frameworks such as Bootstrap, Material UI or Tailwind
    Experience with Design Tools: Proficiency in using design tools such as Adobe XD, Sketch, Figma, or Adobe Photoshop to work with design mockups, wireframes, and you can extract assets directly from the source designs
    Understanding of UX Principles: Knowledge of user experience (UX) principles and best practices, including usability, accessibility, and interaction design, to implement smooth and intuitive user interfaces.
    Responsive Design Expertise: Experience in implementing responsive web design techniques and ensuring cross-browser and cross-device compatibility to create user interfaces that perform well across different devices and screen sizes.
    Self-Managed Development: Ability to work independently and self-manage tasks, including translating design mockups into functional React components, implementing UI features, and ensuring code quality and adherence to project


    Creating Design Mockups: You will be creating mockups under the supervision of our senior designer. You’ll collaborate closely to ensure your designs align with our vision and meet user needs. This role offers a great opportunity to learn and grow, working alongside experienced professionals to bring innovative design concepts to life.
    Implementation of Design Mockups: Translating design mockups and wireframes into functional and visually appealing user interfaces using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
    Maintaining Design Consistency: Ensuring that the implemented user interfaces match the provided design specifications in terms of layout, typography, color scheme, and overall visual consistency.
    User Experience (UX) Implementation: Implementing UX flows and interactions as specified in wireframes or design prototypes, ensuring smooth navigation and interaction for users.
    Responsive Design Implementation: Adapting the design and layout to be
    responsive across various devices and screen sizes, using techniques such as media queries and flexible layouts.
    Cross-Browser and Cross-Device Testing: Testing the implemented user interfaces across different web browsers and devices to ensure compatibility and consistency.
    Collaboration with Designers and Developers: Collaborating with designers to clarify design specifications and with developers to integrate components with application logic, ensuring smooth integration and functionality.

    Alte informatii


    You’re someone who sees themselves as two thirds designer, one third developer.
    As a Front-end Designer, you will be working in a team of talented developers and UX/UI professionals, tackling both start-up SaaS applications, as well as innovation projects for enterprises.
    You care about the user’s experience and about people over processes. You can create beautiful and intuitive designs, and you also have the skills to implement them on the development side.


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    Completarea formularului de cont nou pe dureaza doar 2 minute sau puteti importa datele din Linkedin sau Facebook pentru a rezolva si mai rapid.

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