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Digital Content Creator

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Angajator: Lugera & Makler
  • Marketing
  • Media - Jurnalism
  • Publicitate - Agentii publicitate
  • Tip job: full-time
    Nivel job: 0 - 1 an experienta
  • Actualizat la: 06.10.2024
    Remote work: Hybrid

    Scurta descriere a companiei

    ...enthusiastic and outstanding! ... helpful and present! ...young and smart!... ah, almost forgot:
    also good-looking!...

    This is in a nutshell the Lugera team in Romania.

    A bunch of dedicated, happy people ready to face in a natural, positive and friendly fashion all your challenges... a bunch of people at the service of people, unconditionally!

    We started with hope in our souls and a smile on our faces when many others were there, way ahead of us.
    We managed to make our voice heard out loud and the warmth of our hearts touched each and every recruitment we accomplished... why? ...because we are caring people, driven by the power of
    “WE CAN DO IT!”

    And you know what? We continue this way! And Lugera Republic is whatever republic should be: smiles on every face, glamour on every "street", laughter and success in every "building"!

    Everyone who applies for a Lugera job is officially a citizen of our republic!


    Graduate or early career, with a background in creating digital content for marketing;
    Good English, both written and verbal;
    Familiarity with HTML, CSS, and Microsoft Office is a plus;
    Passion for design, brands, consumer trends and creative movements;
    Advanced skill in using Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and Adobe AfterEffects/Premiere Pro;
    Attention to detail, a creative eye and bags of enthusiasm;
    Equally important are excellent organizational capabilities and the ability to work to tight deadlines.


    Creating video content for internal and external audiences;
    Conceptualizing and crafting ideas that work across a multitude of digital platforms;
    Building and editing visual materials compliant with Oracle’s brand guidelines & standards;
    Understanding and incorporating the latest trends into output (Responsive Design, Mobile First);
    Generating visual assets for websites (banners, icons, interactive elements), creating design layouts for newsletter templates.
