Junior Accountant - Bucuresti

Employer: Computer Generated Solutions Romania
  • Accounting - Finance
  • Customer Support - Client Service
  • Job type: full-time
    Job level: 0 - 1 years of experience
  • Updated at: 18.09.2024
    Remote work: Hybrid

    You can apply to this ad only with your hipo.ro account, without creating a CV.

    Completing the web form for a new account on hipo.ro takes 2 minutes or you can go even faster by importing your data from Facebook or Linkedin.
    Short company description

    Ca angajat CGS România vei beneficia de un program de lucru flexibil, în funcție de nevoile tale, cât și vei participa la sesiuni de formare și training-uri intensive pentru a îți îmbunătăți cunoștințele și pentru a putea să îți îndeplinești cu brio atribuțiile. Te vei alătura unei echipe entuziaste și dinamice ce te va ajuta la dezvoltarea unei cariere de succes, într-un mediu fun și interactiv, înconjurat de prieteni.



    • Economical educational background (Economical High School, Accounting or Finance Faculty).
    • 2 year experience in the accounting/ financial field is considered a plus.
    • Analytical skills, initiative, pro-activity, and tenacity are highly appreciated.
    • Very good capacity of assimilating a high volume of knowledge in a short period.
    • Attention to details.
    • Excellent PC skills (MS Office, Excel).
    • Good command of (business) English (speaking and written).


    o Organizes the evidence of the purchase’s documents (goods and services) and monitors their payment terms and effective payments.
    o Issues the invoices to our customers and monitors their collection periods and effective collections.
    o Prepares report of cash at bank daily.
    o Fills in the petty cash register and keeps track of the physical cash in hand.
    o Monitors the evidence of the advances granted to employees and their subsequent settlements.
    o Keeps updated the tangible and intangible assets registers.
    o Performs the assessment of the monthly revenues and expenses accruals.
    o Performs the assessment of the bad debts allowance and other potential provisions, where case.
    o Manages the relationship with the company's bank and accounting firm.
    o Monitors the monthly statutory trial balance for unusual balances/ movements.
    o Works closely with the company’s auditors.


    You can apply to this ad only with your hipo.ro account, without creating a CV.

    Completing the web form for a new account on hipo.ro takes 2 minutes or you can go even faster by importing your data from Facebook or Linkedin.

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