Litigations Senior Legal Advisor

Angajator: Garanti BBVA Romania
  • Asigurari - Intermedieri financiare
  • Banci
  • Tip job: full-time
    Nivel job: 1 - 5 ani experienta
  • Actualizat la: 17.10.2024
    Remote work: Hybrid

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    Scurta descriere a companiei

    La Garanti BBVA Romania am creat un climat care inspiră colaborarea și comunicarea. Am  construit astfel o echipă unită și energică, care pune întotdeauna clientul pe primul loc. Susținem aspirațiile colegilor noștri și îi încurajăm să se perfecționeze continuu și să își urmeze pasiunile. Ca echipă, ne preocupă creșterea eficienței operaționale și îmbunătățirea constantă a serviciilor oferite clienților.



    - Solid knowledge of the legal system (civil law, commercial law and banking law), and excellent orientation towards civil procedure with minimum 5 years of banking legal experience;

    - Law School degree and a minimum of 6 years banking experience in handling multiple litigations, including representation in front of the court and authorities;

    - Excellent organization of the work time, capacity to meet short deadlines (including legal terms/court terms);

    - Ability to adapt to changes, attention to details, analytical and observation sense;

    - Reliable person, strong and proactive personality, problem solving oriented;

    - Excellent communication and negotiation skills both in Romanian and English;

    - Strong analytical skills with logical orientation;

    - Ability to manage efficient relationships with internal and external clients.



    - Ensures the proper and timely legal assistance and representation in front of the courts & authorities related to the Litigations department activity;

    - Prepares in a timely and comprehensive manner all procedural documents in different types of litigations (oppositions to forced execution, abusive clauses, payment in kind, claims, split of assets, records erasure, eso);

    - Ensures coordination with external law firms, prosecutors and other authorities as required by the Litigations activities;

    - Identifies and explains the implications and legal risks associated with litigations; informs about court decisions and implements them;

    - Prepares reports on litigations for different purposes (NBR, auditors, internal requirements) if needed, as back-up;

    - Actively participates into development and implementation of policies and procedures related to litigations matters;

    - Closely monitors national and European legislative changes and court orientations, in order to update defenses and flow changes related to litigations;

    - Timely reports to the Supervisor any issue within the activity performed;

    - Complies with general banking legal provisions, NBR provisions and internal regulations ensuring the quality of the legal activity and risk mitigation.


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