SSM & SU Specialist | Personal & Physical Security @ING Bank

Angajator: ING Bank Romania
  • Banci
  • Tip job: full-time
    Nivel job: 1 - 5 ani experienta
  • Actualizat la: 23.10.2024
    Remote work: On-site
    Scurta descriere a companiei

    ING Bank Romania

    ING crede într-o lume în care fiecare poate crește și progresa în felul său. Acest lucru se reflectă în sloganul nostru global, "do your thing", în faptul că noi credem în autonomia angajaților noștri. Cu această autonomie garantată, ne așteptăm ca oamenii să fie implicați și să sprijine activitatea pe care o desfășurăm, având în centru clienții, partenerii, dar și compania.
    Să lucrezi în ING înseamnă să fii înconjurat de oamenii energici, ambițioși, prietenoși și respectuoși: specialiști talentați care își asumă responsabilitatea și autonomia de a transforma planurile în acțiuni concrete. Suntem mereu curioși, ne adaptăm schimbărilor și căutăm constant modalități mai bune de a face lucrurile să se întâmple.
    Cu peste 30 de ani de activitate în România, ING Bank s-a afirmat prin pionierat în privința modului modern de a face banking în piața bancară locală. Tehnologia și inovația se află la baza activității noastre, ceea ce face ca produsele ING să fie relevante pentru viața și afacerile clienților noștri.

    ING Bank România este singura bancă cu o creștere organică din top 10 bănci locale după active, fără achiziții de portofolii de clienți sau alte bănci. ING Bank România este o bancă universală cu peste 1,8 milioane de clienți din trei segmente de business: persoane fizice (retail), companii IMM-uri & Mid-Corporate și Wholesale Banking.


    Your day to day

    - Organize prevention and protection activities in the company, identifying hazards.
    - Continuous assessment of specific risks by job profile and establishment of technical and organizational measures to mitigate or reduce the identified risk factors.
    - Preparation of a necessary technical documentation to inform and train workers in the field of Health and Safety.
    - Verify the knowledge and application by all workers of the measures provided for the Prevention and Protection Plan and keeps a record of the high-risk areas of the company.
    - Keeps records of the required additional medical examinations, keeps records of the job profiles which, on the recommendation of the occupational labor doctor, require skills testing and/or periodic psychological examination.
    Prepares and carries out training on occupational safety and health according to the field of activity of the unit, the existing categories of personnel and the specific occupations practice
    - Manage the signing of the SSM & SU books by the company's employees in accordance with the legal requirements.
    - Make sure that the company's employees perform periodic medical check-ups before the expiration date according to internal procedures and the legislation in force.
    - Responsible for the management of external supplier visits for the organization of specific actions in country-wide ING locations network.
    - Organize the CSSM meetings together with the external supplier.
    - Identify the protective equipment needed for the specific job profiles in the company as stipulated by Government Decision 1048/09.08.2006 on the minimum safety and health requirements for the use by employees of personal protective equipment.
    - Assimilate the knowledge required to perform the service tasks and the laws, regulations, instructions, and orders relating to the service tasks.
    - Respect the confidentiality of information obtained during the performance of their day-to-day duties.


    What you bring to the team

    - University technical studies;
    - Occupational Safety Hazard course – 80 hours;
    - HSE Evaluator Course, postgraduate course – 180 hours;
    - Experience: minimum 2 years in a similar position, regardless of the industry;
    - Professional qualifications: Specialized courses in the field of OSH / SU / PSI;
    - Computer use: Microsoft Office Suite; Level of foreign language knowledge: English, spoken & written - medium
    - Knowledge of the legislation regarding health and safety at work, as well as the legislation regarding emergency situations.

    What we offer

    - Meaningful work in a fun and collaborative setting.
    - Open-concept offices designed for both teamwork and relaxation.
    - Corporate events and social gatherings.
    - Flexible working arrangements, including hybrid schedules and shorter workweek options.
    - Monthly budget on the Benefit platform.
    - Additional annual leave based on your length of service.
    - Growth opportunities through upskilling programs and various learning and development platforms, such as ING Learning Centre, Udemy, and Bookster, alongside other training and development resources.
    - Possibility to access Internal roles, International Short-Term Assignments or Long-Term Assignments.
    - Context to make an impact through Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility projects. 

    Alte informatii

    Discover ING Bank

    ING believes in a world where everyone has the right to grow and progress in their own way. We express this in our global tagline, “do your thing”. Perhaps more than in any other large company, we extend our belief in the power of autonomy to our own people. But there’s a catch. In return for great freedom, we expect people to do great things for our customers, our stakeholders, and ING at large.

    To work here is to be surrounded by people who are energetic, ambitious, friendly and respectful: talented specialists who take the responsibility and autonomy to make great things happen. We stay curious, thrive on change, and seek new and better ways to make it happen. Active in Romania for 30 years, ING Bank pioneered and challenged the local banking industry. Technology and innovation are at the core of what we do, making our products relevant for our customers’ lives and businesses.

    ING Bank Romania is the only bank with an organic growth within the top 10 local banks by assets, without acquisitions of client portfolios or other banks. ING Bank Romania is an universal bank with more than 1.8 million customers from three business segments: individuals (retail), SME and Mid-Corporate companies and Wholesale Banking.

    Join us!

    For detailed information on the personal data processing performed by ING Bank during the recruitment process, including the rights of applicants as data subjects and the related exercise modalities, please consult the ING Privacy Statement for Applicants.


    • Abonament la sala sport
    • Training-uri
    • Cursuri
    • Abonament Bookster
    • Program de lucru flexibil
    • Tichete de masa

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