Financial Markets Sales Representative | Business Banking East Region @ING Bank

Angajator: ING Bank Romania
  • Banci
  • Vanzari
  • Tip job: full-time
    Nivel job: peste 5 ani experienta
  • Bacau
  • Actualizat la: 23.10.2024
    Remote work: Hybrid
    Scurta descriere a companiei

    ING Bank Romania

    ING crede într-o lume în care fiecare poate crește și progresa în felul său. Acest lucru se reflectă în sloganul nostru global, "do your thing", în faptul că noi credem în autonomia angajaților noștri. Cu această autonomie garantată, ne așteptăm ca oamenii să fie implicați și să sprijine activitatea pe care o desfășurăm, având în centru clienții, partenerii, dar și compania.
    Să lucrezi în ING înseamnă să fii înconjurat de oamenii energici, ambițioși, prietenoși și respectuoși: specialiști talentați care își asumă responsabilitatea și autonomia de a transforma planurile în acțiuni concrete. Suntem mereu curioși, ne adaptăm schimbărilor și căutăm constant modalități mai bune de a face lucrurile să se întâmple.
    Cu peste 30 de ani de activitate în România, ING Bank s-a afirmat prin pionierat în privința modului modern de a face banking în piața bancară locală. Tehnologia și inovația se află la baza activității noastre, ceea ce face ca produsele ING să fie relevante pentru viața și afacerile clienților noștri.

    ING Bank România este singura bancă cu o creștere organică din top 10 bănci locale după active, fără achiziții de portofolii de clienți sau alte bănci. ING Bank România este o bancă universală cu peste 1,8 milioane de clienți din trei segmente de business: persoane fizice (retail), companii IMM-uri & Mid-Corporate și Wholesale Banking.


    What you bring to the team

    - At least 5 year experience in a client relationship/ product sales position; Previous experience in Financial Markets is an advantage;
    - Excellent communication skills (Romanian and English), proactivity and ability to originate and build solid relationships;
    - Wealth of deal/transaction experience and proven ability to assist in the winning of new business;
    - Knowledge of the financial markets and related rules and regulations (e.g. MiFID, EMIR, etc) is a plus;
    - Open to digitalization, early adopter of new systems/ applications/ programs, proficient user of the computer;
    - Self-discipline, attention to details, ability to prioritize and take quick decisions, problem solving attitude.


    Your Day to Day

    - Constantly develop a solid basis of macro/sector/regional knowledge and a deep understanding of the main drivers/ forces that impacts the financial markets and business environment of ING Business Banking clients;
    - Originate and maintain strong relationships with ING (prospect) clients by presenting and offering them products and services specific to Financial Markets;
    - Offer price quotations and execute transactions specific to Financial Markets (FM) using the ING FM dedicated systems, applications and platforms;
    - Constantly maintain the dialogue with ING clients, looking to understand their needs in order to adapt the ING FM product offering to clients’ business requirements;
    - Collaborate intensely with the Relationship Managers/ Area Managers in the Business Banking East Region and set up the commercial strategy and meetings calendar with the assigned clients/ prospects;
    - Maintain a strong collaboration with FM colleagues in ING RO Head Office for alignment on latest product development and local FM Sales strategy;
    - Periodically assess client's activity and their FX volumes and approve the appropriate FX negotiation classes;
    - Observe all regulatory requirements (MiFID, EMIR, etc) and all related FM local and global rules and procedures.

    Alte informatii

    Discover ING Bank

    ING believes in a world where everyone has the right to grow and progress in their own way. We express this in our global tagline, “do your thing”. Perhaps more than in any other large company, we extend our belief in the power of autonomy to our own people. But there’s a catch. In return for great freedom, we expect people to do great things for our customers, our stakeholders, and ING at large.

    To work here is to be surrounded by people who are energetic, ambitious, friendly and respectful: talented specialists who take the responsibility and autonomy to make great things happen. We stay curious, thrive on change, and seek new and better ways to make it happen. Active in Romania for 30 years, ING Bank pioneered and challenged the local banking industry. Technology and innovation are at the core of what we do, making our products relevant for our customers’ lives and businesses.

    ING Bank Romania is the only bank with an organic growth within the top 10 local banks by assets, without acquisitions of client portfolios or other banks. ING Bank Romania is an universal bank with more than 1.8 million customers from three business segments: individuals (retail), SME and Mid-Corporate companies and Wholesale Banking.

    Join us!

    For detailed information on the processing of personal data carried out by ING Bank during the recruitment process, including on the rights of candidates as data subjects and the related exercise modalities, please consult the ING Information Note for Candidates available on the website in the Personal Data Protection section.


    • Training-uri
    • Program de lucru flexibil
    • Tichete de masa

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