Specialist Finance SOX Control @ ING Bank

Angajator: ING Bank Romania
  • Banci
  • Contabilitate Finante
  • Management - Consultanta
  • Tip job: full-time
    Nivel job: 1 - 5 ani experienta
  • Actualizat la: 26.10.2024
    Remote work: Hybrid

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    Scurta descriere a companiei

    ING Bank Romania

    ING crede într-o lume în care fiecare poate crește și progresa în felul său. Acest lucru se reflectă în sloganul nostru global, "do your thing", în faptul că noi credem în autonomia angajaților noștri. Cu această autonomie garantată, ne așteptăm ca oamenii să fie implicați și să sprijine activitatea pe care o desfășurăm, având în centru clienții, partenerii, dar și compania.
    Să lucrezi în ING înseamnă să fii înconjurat de oamenii energici, ambițioși, prietenoși și respectuoși: specialiști talentați care își asumă responsabilitatea și autonomia de a transforma planurile în acțiuni concrete. Suntem mereu curioși, ne adaptăm schimbărilor și căutăm constant modalități mai bune de a face lucrurile să se întâmple.
    Cu peste 30 de ani de activitate în România, ING Bank s-a afirmat prin pionierat în privința modului modern de a face banking în piața bancară locală. Tehnologia și inovația se află la baza activității noastre, ceea ce face ca produsele ING să fie relevante pentru viața și afacerile clienților noștri.

    ING Bank România este singura bancă cu o creștere organică din top 10 bănci locale după active, fără achiziții de portofolii de clienți sau alte bănci. ING Bank România este o bancă universală cu peste 1,8 milioane de clienți din trei segmente de business: persoane fizice (retail), companii IMM-uri & Mid-Corporate și Wholesale Banking.


    Experience of at least 4 years in financial services, financial accounting, financial reporting, management accounting, internal control, internal audit or external financial auditor.
    Big 4 experience is a plus.
    Knowledge of Financial Services industry and economical changes impacting financial reporting and related internal controls, in accordance with SOX and COSO legislation requirements and other related guidance.
    Exceptional communication skills, both written and verbal, excellent active listening skills
    Ability to communication and inter-personal development skills to move toward a common vision or goal.
    Flexible and adaptable; able to work in a continuously dynamic situation.
    Problem solving and root cause identification skills.
    Team player and able to work collaboratively with and through others.


    Coordinates the documentation of the allocated process workflow through extensive engagement, communication and close collaboration with multiple stakeholders;
    Ensure that the documentation for the allocated process is correct in complete according to internal SOX and key control frameworks documentation requirements.
    The knowledge should include that of flowcharts, narratives, risks assessments, key-controls, internal control deficiencies, process mapping, technology and financial statement assertions (both Balance Sheet and Income Statement);
    Maintain clear and accurate Process/Control documentation matrix on assigned SOX and key control frameworks processes.
    Reviews and assess both the design and operating effectiveness of the SOX controls and key control frameworks and ensures sufficient documentation standards are met.
    Keep close relationship with SOX testers in order to identify and address bottlenecks or potential deficiencies.
    Support external financial auditor requests on SOX.
    Facilitate and challenge the control owners he/she is overseeing ensuring that the company is addressing operating and financial reporting risks appropriately.
    Escalates SOX and key control frameworks deficiencies, issues or concerns immediately and ensures items are appropriately documented.
    Following up and chasing on agreed remediation actions of deficiencies, reporting on the progress to the next higher management level / Group on request.
    Responsible for maintaining and updating all aspects of the internal SOX reporting system.
    Assist with the production of period reporting and status updates as required.

    Alte informatii

    What we offer

    Impactful work in a fun and collaborative environment.
    Open-concept offices designed for both teamwork and relaxation.
    Corporate events and social gatherings
    Hybrid way of working with flexible working schedule and short week options.
    Monthly budget on Benefit platform.
    Extra annual leave days depending on the total length of working experience.
    Growth opportunities through upskilling/ reskilling programs and a variety of learning and development platforms: ING
    Learning Centre, Udemy, Bookster, as well as through trainings and certifications.
    Possibility to access Internal roles, International Short-Term Assignments or Long-Term Assignments.
    Context to make an impact through Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility projects.

    For detailed information on the processing of personal data carried out by ING Bank during the recruitment process, including on the rights of candidates as data subjects and the related exercise modalities, please consult the ING Information Note for Candidates available on the ing.ro website in the Personal Data Protection section.


    Puteti aplica la acest anunt doar prin crearea unui cont pe hipo.ro, fara sa va creati si un CV.

    Completarea formularului de cont nou pe hipo.ro dureaza doar 2 minute sau puteti importa datele din Linkedin sau Facebook pentru a rezolva si mai rapid.

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