Coordonator Tehnic

  • Radio-Televiziune
  • Relatii Publice
  • Vanzari
  • Tip job: full-time
    Nivel job: 0 - 1 an experienta
  • Actualizat la: 24.03.2025
    Remote work: On-site

    Puteti aplica la acest anunt doar prin crearea unui cont pe, fara sa va creati si un CV.

    Completarea formularului de cont nou pe dureaza doar 2 minute sau puteti importa datele din Linkedin sau Facebook pentru a rezolva si mai rapid.

    Scurta descriere a companiei

    Join the Exciting New Team at Imagine Live Romania

    We’re thrilled to announce the launch of a brand-new team at Imagine Live Romania, a rising star in the online casino market With a fresh approach to live dealer entertainment, we’re set to make waves in the Romanian market.

    Our mission is clear: to captivate players and provide a premium, unforgettable gaming experience that keeps them coming back for more.


    • Proven experience as a handyman, maintenance worker, or similar role.
    • Basic knowledge of plumbing, electrical, and carpentry systems.
    • Good communication skills.
    • Ability to perform manual labour, including lifting, bending, and standing for long periods.
    • Problem-solving skills and attention to detail.


    General Maintenance:
    • Perform routine inspections, maintenance, and repairs to keep facilities in excellent condition.
    • Address minor heating, electrical, plumbing systems and carpentry issues as they arise.
    • Repair and paint doors, windows, walls, ceilings, roofs and other parts of the building.
    • Perform electrical repairs in community areas.
    Facility Upkeep:
    • Assist in keeping common areas clean and orderly, which may include minor landscaping, painting, or outdoor repairs.
    • Ensure mechanical equipment is in working order and fixed as necessary.
    Inventory Management:
    • Keep track of maintenance supplies and tools.
    • Identify and report the need for major repairs.
    Safety Checks:
    • Ensure that all tasks are performed with safety as a top priority and that any hazards are promptly addressed.

    Alte informatii

    A Technical Coordinator, or conducts basic maintenance, handle repairs and general facility maintenance on our office. Their main duties include repairing heating, electrical, and plumbing systems, fixing company equipment or tools and testing appliances to ensure they work properly.


    • Abonament medical
    • Cursuri
    • Certificari/Atestate
    • Teambuilding-uri / excursii
    • Petreceri/evenimente companie
    • Tichete de masa


    Puteti aplica la acest anunt doar prin crearea unui cont pe, fara sa va creati si un CV.

    Completarea formularului de cont nou pe dureaza doar 2 minute sau puteti importa datele din Linkedin sau Facebook pentru a rezolva si mai rapid.

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