Ce inseamna sa fii proactiv la locul de munca. Sfaturi si exemple concrete
HR Generalist (on site)
Angajator: | Notino |
Domeniu: |
Tip job: | full-time |
Nivel job: | 0 - 1 an experienta |
Orase: |
Actualizat la: | 18.03.2025 |
Remote work: | On-site |
Puteti aplica la acest anunt doar prin crearea unui cont pe hipo.ro, fara sa va creati si un CV.
Completarea formularului de cont nou pe hipo.ro dureaza doar 2 minute sau puteti importa datele din Linkedin sau Facebook pentru a rezolva si mai rapid.Scurta descriere a companiei
Noi, la Notino, credem ca frumusetea si sanatatea ar trebui sa fie accesibile tuturor, o viziune care devine realitate in fiecare zi din 2004, prin imbinarea frumusetii cu tehnologia. Suntem prezenti online in 27 de tari, cu 25 de magazine fizice in Europa, inclusiv 2 in Bucuresti.
Notino Logistics Romania ofera servicii de logistica exclusiv pentru Notino, una dintre cele mai importante companii europene de e-commerce din industria frumusetii din Europa.
Cu peste 2500 de colegi talentati, cautam constant persoane ambitioase. Daca doresti sa faci parte din echipa noastra si sa iti duci cariera la urmatorul nivel, urmareste cu atentie aceasta pagina, pentru roluri disponibile in diverse departamente, precum logistica, retail, vanzari, call center si altele.
What do you need to be successful?
-Experience in the field of human resources - ideally as an HR generalist, minimum 1 year.
-Knowledge of Romanian labor law - orientation in the labor code and related regulations.
-Very good knowledge of English (at least B2 level) which is necessary for communication with headquarters.
-Nice to have experience in the payroll process and using the specific applications (DP Payroll) or willingness to learn the payroll process.
-Common sense and practical approach.
-Responsibility, reliability, confidentiality.
-Independence and desire to learn things quickly are also very important. If you do not know anything at the beginning, we will be happy to show you everything. However, we expect you to be able to do similar tasks by yourself next time.
-Organizational skills - you should be able to identify the main priorities and organize your work as efficiently as possible.
-Very good communication skills.
-The desire to improve things and the willingness to accept changes. The fact that today we do things in a certain way, does not mean we are going to do them the same way for the next 5 years.
-Teamwork is also very important for us 😊
How you will spend your time with us?
-Taking care of the HR agenda and related administration for our employees in Romania.
-Preparation and record keeping of labor-law documentation (employment contracts, amendments, etc.).
-Processing of commencement and cessation of employment.
-Supporting the preparation of documentation for wages for all employees.
-Administration of employee benefits (meal tickets, etc.).
-Providing support and consultancy in the areas of HR and labor law to management.
-Communication with Legal Dept. in case of dealing with non-standard and more complicated legal situations.
-Taking care of throughout the employee's life cycle (from advertising, through recruitment, onboarding, performance management, compensation and benefits, development and evaluation to outplacement).
-Assistance in the process of strategic planning concerning the capacities and ways of securing them, effective tools in the area of recruitment, development, training, etc.
-Ensuring internal communication. Implementation of HR processes taken from the parent company to the Romanian branch.
-Reporting of KPI to your supervisor and warehouse management.
-A full-time job in a successful and really fast-growing company with our unique company culture.
Alte informatii
What do we offer?
A full-time job in a successful and really fast-growing company with our unique company culture. Regular trainings, feedbacks and plenty of possibilities for your own personal and career development. Fixed salary. Many interesting benefits such as: flexible budget that you can invest in yourself as you wish(for meal tickets, holiday vouchers, gift vouchers, cultural vouchers, gym memberships, private pension plans, professional development courses and more); quarterly bonus, loyality bonus, employee discounts on our products, 2 sick days per year, private medical subscription, transportation provided by employer, little extras.
Office locations: Bucharest-Piata Romana/ Dragomiresti-Deal, Ilfov.
If you want to be part of a growing team and build your own success story, apply now :)
- Bonus de performanta
- Prime ocazii speciale (ex: Paste, Craciun, 8 mar etc)
- Abonament medical
- Training-uri
- Discount produse companie /companii partenere
- Plata / compensare ore suplimentare
- Poate alege beneficiile dorite in limita unui buget
- Zile libere suplimentare
- Laptop
- Telefon mobil
- Tichete de masa
- Tichete de vacanta
- Tichete culturale
- Tichete cadou
Puteti aplica la acest anunt doar prin crearea unui cont pe hipo.ro, fara sa va creati si un CV.
Completarea formularului de cont nou pe hipo.ro dureaza doar 2 minute sau puteti importa datele din Linkedin sau Facebook pentru a rezolva si mai rapid. Job-uri similare care te-ar putea interesa: |
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