Accounts Payable Specialist

Angajator: SalesConsulting
  • Contabilitate Finante
  • Tip job: full-time
    Nivel job: 1 - 5 ani experienta
  • Cluj Napoca
  • Actualizat la: 28.03.2025
    Remote work: Hybrid

    Puteti aplica la acest anunt doar prin crearea unui cont pe, fara sa va creati si un CV.

    Completarea formularului de cont nou pe dureaza doar 2 minute sau puteti importa datele din Linkedin sau Facebook pentru a rezolva si mai rapid.

    Scurta descriere a companiei

    Sales Consulting activates on the HR market since 1998, having a national coverage in several areas of expertise: recruiting and selection assessment center HR market mapping/due diligence projects, personnel leasing, payroll.

    Sales Consulting has 2 fully operational branches: Cluj-Napoca (also the head-office) and Bucharest.
    We are developing various projects (Recruitment, Training and Consultancy) in some of the most varied type of industries:
    - AUTOMOTIVE/PRODUCTION/ENGINEERING (Specialists and Middle & Top Management positions)
    - IT & C (C++, C#, .NET, Java, Linux etc)
    - FMCG (sales & purchasing positions; all levels)
    - PHARMA (all levels)


    1-5 years of experience in a similar role
    Can perform reconciliations either using Excel or Business Intelligence tools accurate and precise
    Previous experience with SAP is valued
    Knowledge of the business processes and best working practices in Supply Chain and Procurement to Pay is valued
    Fluency in English both verbally and writing is mandatory due to the international working environment.
    Accounting knowledge, specifically concerning banks and invoice booking is preferred


    Booking of supplier invoices, controlling quality of supplier information and invoice requirements
    Manage relationship with suppliers, professionally answering queries about account reconciliation and payments
    Cooperate with other departments to solve invoice disputes
    Reconcile Intercompany accounts
    Setup of reporting to Management
    Contribute as the accounts payable specialist to process improvement and automation projects


    • Bonus de performanta
    • Prime ocazii speciale (ex: Paste, Craciun, 8 mar etc)
    • Abonament medical
    • Decontarea transportului
    • Program de lucru flexibil
    • Laptop
    • Tichete de masa


    Puteti aplica la acest anunt doar prin crearea unui cont pe, fara sa va creati si un CV.

    Completarea formularului de cont nou pe dureaza doar 2 minute sau puteti importa datele din Linkedin sau Facebook pentru a rezolva si mai rapid.

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