Audit Manager - Bucharest

Angajator: Bimbo Romania (Vel Pitar)
  • Contabilitate Finante
  • Controlul calitatii
  • Tip job: full-time
    Nivel job: Manager
  • Actualizat la: 26.03.2025
    Remote work: Hybrid

    Scurta descriere a companiei

    Alatura-te si tu celei mai mari companii de panificație la nivel global, Grupo Bimbo!

    Suntem lideri in Romania cu branduri precum Vel Pitar, French Toast, Domneasca, Chef Gurmand 7 Seminte, Grau Intreg, biscuitii Poieni, DOR si TAKIS, reunite sub un scop comun: sa hranim o lume mai buna.

    Suntem o comunitate cu peste 152.000 de oameni, in jurul lumii, în cele 37 de țări în care operăm. Cu peste 3000 de colegi in Romania, oferim oportunități de dezvoltare a potențialului fiecărei persoane și construim zi de zi la un mediu în care fiecare sa se simta apreciat și respectat.

    Dacă vrei să faci parte din echipa noastră, așteptăm cv-ul tău.


    Education and experience required
    • Degree in business administrator, public accountant or engineering
    • Certification in Auditor accreted by ASPAAS (The Public Oversight Authority for Statutory Audit Activity)
    • Master’s: In business or equivalent – desired
    • Certifications: CIA, Agile, Scrum – desired
    • English – advanced (800 pts. TOIEC or equivalent).
    • Serbian, Slovene, Turkish, Spanish or Mandarin – desired
    • Auditor and/or 6 years of experience
    • 50-70% during the year, inside and outside the country.

    • Demonstrate ability to perform and supervise assurance and consulting engagements in accordance with AI Standards.
    • Demonstrate internal audit competency through continuing professional development and promote professional development.
    • Use a risk management framework; examine the effectiveness of risk management within processes and functions.
    • Detect risks and recommend improvements to policies, processes and governance structures.
    • Assess the potential for fraud and how the organization detects and manages fraud risks; recommend controls to prevent and detect fraud.
    • Use an internal control framework to examine the effectiveness and efficiency of internal controls.
    • Develop risk and control checklists and questionnaires; examine relevant information during an internal audit engagement.
    • Apply appropriate computer-assisted auditing tools, and data analytics methods.
    • Review work papers and documentation.
    • Formulate recommendations to improve and protect the value of the organization
    • Evaluate the results of the work; including management action plan
    • Demonstrate openness, honesty, and empathy in communications with stakeholders to build trust and maintain relationships.

    • Supply Chain management.
    • Supplier Management, Strategic Sourcing and Procurement
    • Inventory Management
    • Transport and Logistics
    • Revenue Growth Management (RGM)
    • Market analysis, Commercial Agreements, Financial-commercial Analysis
    • Sales and Customer Management
    • Accounting Processes and Financial Controls
    • Financial analysis
    • Investment Projects (CAPEX)


    • Analyze information from the processes to be audited to detect possible areas of risk, performance problems, trends, best practices, among others.
    • Understand the regulations applicable to the auditable process
    • Design audit tests and validate test plan.
    • Prepare and assign work plans to auditors.
    • Participate in interviews or workshops to understand the process, risks and controls
    • Perform and supervise the execution of audit tests, validate results, findings and recommendations.
    • Monitor compliance with AI standards and the established internal methodology.
    • Monitor and review closed action plans and close corresponding action plans.
    • Collaborate in the preparation of the annual audit plan, participating in risk analysis, interviews, workshops, among others.
    • Train the Junior and/or Senior Auditor in the field in the internal audit methodology, use and application of analytics, use of systems related to the audit and other required skills.
    • Provide feedback to the work team.


    • Bonus de performanta
    • Prime ocazii speciale (ex: Paste, Craciun, 8 mar etc)
    • Abonament medical
    • Pensie privata
    • Training-uri
    • Cursuri
    • Abonament Bookster
    • Laptop
    • Telefon mobil
    • Masina de serviciu
    • Tichete de masa
    • Tichete de vacanta

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