Office Assistant (part-time) - COFACE

Employer: Entry Level Jobs in TOP Companies -
  • Administrative Assistance
  • Job type: part-time
    Job level: Student/Graduate
  • Updated at: 21.03.2025
    Remote work: On-site

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    Office Assistant (part-time)

    Company Description

    Coface is a global leader in trade credit insurance and business information solutions. We help our more than 100.000 clients worldwide to make informed decisions and grow their businesses. We offer a collaborative and safe work environment—perfect for those who love to learn, take initiative and make an impact.

    Are you an ambitious professional  with a talent for building meaningful connections?

    Do you thrive on solving problems, have a curious mindset and manage to to turn challenges into opportunities?

    Join Coface Romania, where growth, learning and collaboration are at the CORE of our culture. We guarantee a friendly and supportive environment, perfect for starting or advancing your career in Finance.

    Job Description

    • Preluarea apelurilor telefonice venite prin centrala si distribuirea lor catre persoanele solicitate;
    • Preluarea si inregistrarea corespondentei primite si redirectionarea documentelor catre departamentele vizate;
    • Intocmirea borderoului cu corespondenta zilnica trimisa prin curier si repartizarea lunara a acesteia pe departamente;
    • Preluarea facturilor de la furnizori, copierea si indosarierea acestora;
    • Organizarea deplasarilor in interes de serviciu;
    • Primirea vizitatorilor si anuntarea persoanelor de contact din cadrul companiei, rezervarea salilor de meeting;
    • Preluarea si comandarea papetariei de la furnizorii agreati;
    • Oferirea de suport departamentului de marketing si resurse umane in organizarea evenimentelor interne (seminarii, conferinte, team building-uri);
    • Completarea si reactualizarea periodica a bazei de date de clienti.


    • Studii superioare in curs sau finalizate;
    • Experienta anterioara intr-un rol similar constituie un avantaj;
    • Abilitati bune de comunicare si orientare catre client;
    • Atentie la detalii si foarte bune abilitati de organizare;
    • Cunoasterea pachetului MS Office (Word, Excel, Outlook);
    • Limba engleza: nivel conversational (B1).

    Additional Information

    What We Offer:

    • Career growth opportunity (both locally and internationally) in a global scale company: you will  gain knowledge in business information, risk management, finance, and operational decision-making.
    • Supportive culture: be part of a team that encourages you to take initiative, learn from mistakes and celebrate successes.
    • Flexible Work Options: hybrid work arrangements and morning schedule flexibility.
    • Benefits: medical subscription, lunch tickets, gift tickets for Christmas and Easter, vacation tickets Bookster, Speexx.
    • Learning opportunities: regular professional training and courses.
    • Regular and interesting team building activities. 

    At Coface Romania, we value curiosity, drive, and innovation. If this resonates with you, JOIN US!

      • Șoseaua Pipera Nr. 42, București 020309, Romania
      • Full-time
      • Department: Facility Management/General Services


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