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3500 - 4000 RON NET / luna

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Tax Specialist

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Employer: Raiffeisen Bank
  • Banks - Financial Institutions
  • Accounting - Finance
  • Job type: full-time
    Job level: 1 - 5 years of experience
  • Updated at: 23.11.2015
    Remote work: On-site

    Short company description

    Raiffeisen Bank, bancă universală de top, activează pe piața bancară din România de peste 25 de ani, deservind peste 2,3 milioane de clienți, persoane fizice și juridice. Banca are 4.930 de angajați în 291 de unități, 1130 ATM&MFM și 27.000 POS-uri.

    Să lucrezi la Raiffeisen Bank înseamnă să fii alături de oameni care împărtășesc aceeași viziune și aceeași pasiune pentru excelență, ca parte a unui grup international.

    Liderii noștri sunt recunoscuți pentru felul în care își susțin angajații și le insuflă pasiunea lor.

    Bankingul digitalizat este atins doar cu o echipă unită și motivate, susținută de un mediu care sprijină dezvoltarea constantă a abilităților personale și profesionale.

    Te asteptam pe pagina noastra, pentru a vedea toate rolurile disponibile și a fi parte din echipa Raiffeisen!


    - University degree with a relevant major (usually, but not limited to finance/accounting or business);
    - 1 to 3 years of relevant experience in a tax consulting or accounting firm, or internal tax department;
    - Good knowledge on local tax regulations (CIT, VAT, PIT, Social Security, Transfer Pricing) and of various tax concepts;
    - Basic knowledge on Banking Accounting and NBR regulations related to reporting;
    Excellent command of Romanian and English ‑ both speaking and writing;
    - Very good interpersonal and team-playing skills;
    - Strong oral and written communication skills;
    - Capacity of analysis and synthesis;
    - Well organized and able to identify and juggle with priorities;
    - Experience in dealing with fiscal authorities;
    - Good knowledge on Banking Accounting and NBR regulations related to reporting.


    - Establishes the fiscal treatment of all new and existing transactions, according to the fiscal legislation in force;
    - Calculates, fills in the tax returns and makes payments to the state budget according to the fiscal legislation in force, in respect of: Corporate income tax, VAT, including pro-rata computation, all withholding taxes, all local taxes.
    - Submits all informative declarations according to the legislation in force.
    - Reconciles tax accounts with the trial balance.
    - Obtains and submits the information/reports during fiscal audits performed by the fiscal authorities, external audits, internal audits.
    - Obtains from the fiscal authorities the tax certificates requested by clients, providers or other transactions partners.
    - Ensures that the information needed for the transfer pricing file is correct and complete in order to sustain the prices used in relation with the affiliated parties.
    - Gives special attention to related party transactions in order to mitigate transfer pricing risk.
    - Provides tax support for requests received from both internal and external business partners.

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