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BUCURESTI, Voluntari,


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Colaborator Colectare Debite - Teren Bucuresti, Giurgiu

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Vezi toate job-urile EOS KSI Romania active.

Vezi toate job-urile Colaborator Colectare Debite - Teren Bucuresti, Giurgiu active pe

Vezi toate job-urile in Asigurari - Intermedieri financiare active pe

Vezi toate job-urile in Customer support - Client service active pe

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Angajator: EOS KSI Romania
  • Asigurari - Intermedieri financiare
  • Customer support - Client service
  • Vanzari
  • Tip job: full-time
    Nivel job: 1 - 5 ani experienta
  • Giurgiu
  • Actualizat la: 24.11.2015
    Remote work: On-site

    Scurta descriere a companiei

    EOS KSI Romania (former KSI Kasolvenzia) is part of EOS Group, headquartered in Germany, The Group offers Credit Management Services through its pan European network and is also present in the USA. EOS Romania has become the leader in Romania in the field of Credit Management Services, working with well known International and Romanian Companies.

    In order to support the continuous rapid growth and development of EOS KSI Romania’s, we are seeking high quality people to join our team in a challenging and forward thinking working culture.
    You can find more about us on:


    - Disponibilitate de a efectua activitati de teren (80% din timpul alocat activitatii);
    - Experienta in activitati pe teren constituie un avantaj;
    - Abilitati foarte bune de negociere, comunicare si rezolvare de probleme;
    - Persoana dinamica, energica si orientata catre rezultate;
    - Formele de colaborare - PFA, SRL, II, IF (conditie obligatorie)


    -Efectueaza proceduri de colectare pe cale amiabila interactionand personal cu debitorii la domiciliul acestora;
    - Identifica cele mai bune solutii de plata si negociaza termenii de plata cu debitorii intr-o maniera profesionala;
    - Dezvolta si actualizeaza permanent baza de date cu debitori, colectand informatii din teren.