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Internship Business Development Support

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Employer: Orange Romania Communications
  • Internship
  • Job type: part-time
    Job level: Student/Graduate
  • Updated at: 08.05.2016
    Remote work: On-site

    Short company description

    Orange Romania Communications este o companie parte a grupului Orange și o subsidiara Orange Romania din data de 30 septembrie 2021.
    Compania ofera atat asistenta, cat și servicii convergente de voce fix-mobil, internet in banda larga și televiziune pentru cei aproximativ 5 milioane de clienti ai sai. De asemenea, gestioneaza infrastructura de retea ce cuprinde pana la 90.000 de km de fibra optica și conecteaza in jur de 3 milioane de gospodarii.


    You want your first job but everyone is asking for previous experience?
    We don�t! We are searching for a dedicated, active student, eager to learn more about online from a young, enthusiastic team.


    You just need some basic Excel skills, good time management (so you can successfully graduate while also having a blast when working with us) and a friendly attitude.