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Sourcing Engineer

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Employer: Kimball Electronics Romania
  • Acquisitions - Logistics - Supplies
  • Job type: full-time
    Job level: 1 - 5 years of experience
  • Timisoara
  • Updated at: 11.03.2016
    Remote work: On-site

    Short company description

    In urma cu 10 ani investitia noastra de tip greenfield isi facea simtita prezenta entuziasta in Timisoara, iar astazi, suntem un competitor de renume în industria EMS: calitate, durabilitate, tehnologie si adictie pentru rigurozitate si creativitate in acelasi timp!

    Fie ca este vorba de clientii, angajatii, furnizorii, partenerii nostri, este simplu: „Facem intotdeauna lucrurile in modul corect!”

    Ne străduim să fim un bun angajator: un loc unde angajații noștri pot avea un job bun, sigur, sunt recompensați corect, se simt respectați și au ocazia să se dezvolte în mod autentic!

    Oamenii noștri reprezintă compania!


    Studies and experience
    a) Strong proven negotiation skills – at least 3 years of experience
    b) Experience in conducting audits
    c) Good knowledge of component standards for mechanical commodities and PCBs – experience in implementing new suppliers is a plus
    d) Experienced contract administration skills, able to understand purchase agreements
    e) Strong utilization of business system to input and retrieve data for analysis
    f) Strong investigative and problem solving skills
    g) Good computer skills with ERP, MS Office, MRP, Web-based quote tools


    Main areas of responsibility:
    A. Sourcing of new suppliers and the qualification of those in order to be able to meet KERO quality standards
    a) Good knowledge of local and regional base of suppliers for the type of commodities in scope of their responsibility
    b) Experience in leading audits at the supplier
    c) Support Quoting of Local Opportunities
    d) Support Local Cost Reduction Processes
    e) Stay in touch with market shifts and new technologies to provide support to KERO and regional

    B. Supplier relationship for commodities in scope at KERO
    a) Organising supplier meetings and business revues
    b) Owner of supplier price negotiation. Negotiate price and terms to reduce total material costs with the key KERO suppliers (leverage global spend) on Strategic New Business Opportunities
    c) Recognize costs to be saved and take appropriate action to communicate and implement in KERO

    C. Sourcing Process Improvement
    a) Support development of KERO Quote Process Improvements
    b) Support Global Spend Analysis
    c) Support Special projects connected with growth and margin improvement (for extraordinary opportunities)

    Other info

    Interpersonal skills:
    a) Ability to give effective feedback
    b) Patience, Integrity, Objectivity & Open minded
    c) Professional yet personable
    d) Strong sense of urgency and customer service
    e) Ability to understand global leverage and negotiate effective, accurate pricing
    f) Effective time management and reporting skills
    g) Strong project management skills
    h) Ability to work on many tasks while meeting deadlines
    i) Understanding of business terms and conditions, such as: MOQ, NC&R, INCO Terms, AR, AP, VMI
    j) Effective use of the English language, speaking, listening, asking questions for clarity
    k) Ability to read, understand and interpret pricing agreements
    l) Able to communicate technical details