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3000 - 4280 RON NET / luna



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Accounts Receivable with English

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Angajator: Computer Generated Solutions Romania
  • Contabilitate Finante
  • Customer support - Client service
  • Vanzari
  • Tip job: full-time
    Nivel job: 0 - 1 an experienta
  • Actualizat la: 23.04.2016
    Remote work: On-site

    Scurta descriere a companiei

    Ca angajat CGS România vei beneficia de un program de lucru flexibil, în funcție de nevoile tale, cât și vei participa la sesiuni de formare și training-uri intensive pentru a îți îmbunătăți cunoștințele și pentru a putea să îți îndeplinești cu brio atribuțiile. Te vei alătura unei echipe entuziaste și dinamice ce te va ajuta la dezvoltarea unei cariere de succes, într-un mediu fun și interactiv, înconjurat de prieteni.



    - General database skills.
    - General analytical skills.
    - Demonstrated oral and written communication skills.
    - Demonstrated knowledge of leasing concepts, principles and practices.
    - Demonstrated organization and time management skills.
    - Demonstrated negotiating and influencing skills.
    - Communication
    - Flexibility & Change Orientation
    - Service Focus
    - Teamwork
    - Negotiating/Influencing
    - Results Orientation


    Takes ownership of all assigned vendor/dealer account relationships to become the point of contact for sales and vendor counter-part as well as for all asset management issues, questions or requests.
    - Monitors lease expiry dates, carries out EofL management negotiations with customers on options for return, extension or purchase at the end of lease term.
    - Responsible for analysis and automation of asset reporting in order to provide on demand access to asset data throughout the organization.
    - Updates databases and systems to provide complete and concise asset management documentation.
    - Assists in data flows through company systems into format ready for both internal processing requirements and external use for customers.
    - Provides regular updates on EofL account activities to customer and internal staff.