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Ultimele zile in care te poti inscrie la TechLab-ul BCR: Why IT? Why banking?

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View all ads Ultimele zile in care te poti inscrie la TechLab-ul BCR: Why IT? Why banking? active on

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Company: BCR
  • IT Hardware
  • IT Software
  • Ad type: event
    Ad level: 1 - 5 years of experience
  • Ilfov
  • Ploiesti
  • Updated at: 17.10.2016
    Remote work: On-site

    A member of Erste Group, is the most important financial group in Romania, including operations of universal bank (retail, corporate&investment banking, treasury and capital markets), as well as specialized companies on the leasing market, assets management, private pensions, housing bank.
    Participants profile:

    • A final year or graduate from Automation, Computer Science, Mathematics or Informatics, Electronics and Telecommunication;

    • Are enthusiastic about developing a career in a multinational environment 


    Why IT? Why banking?
    During this TechLab, we will talk about the directions towards a large corporation, which are the objectives and the engine that makes things move within them. With an experience of over 10 years in IT and banking, our speaker will share with you the steps needed to be followed  in a complex organization as an IT specialist in order to achieve success.

    Speakeri: Dan Cristea, Head of IT Solutions Center BCR; 

    When and where?

    • On Sturday, 15 th of October, 15:10-15:55;

    • At Room A, on the first floor; 

    What else should you know?

    • The entrance is free but there is a limited number of 30 participants, so you should apply to save your seat until 13th of October;

    • The TechLab session lasts 45 minutes;

    • Only candidates who meet the requirements will receive a confirmation e-mail;

    • You can apply for one or more TechLabs, but be recommend to pay attention to the date and the beginning hours because the TechLabs may overlap with the TechTalks Conferenes from room;

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