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BUCURESTI, Iasi, Timisoara, Job national

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Ultimele zile in care te mai poti inscrie la TechLab-ul IBM: The Blue Internship Experience: Programming & Databases

Company: IBM Client Innovation Center Central Eastern Europe (CEE)
  • IT Hardware
  • IT Software
  • Ad type: event
    Ad level: 1 - 5 years of experience
  • Ilfov
  • Ploiesti
  • Updated at: 10.11.2016
    Remote work: On-site

    IBM is an American multinational technology company headquartered in Armonk, New York, United States, with operations in over 170 countries. Today, IBM is much more than a hardware, software, services company. IBM is now emerging as a cognitive solutions and cloud platform company.


    Participants profile:

    • A final year or graduate from Automation, Computer Science, Mathematics or Informatics, Electronics and Telecommunication;

    • Are enthusiastic about developing a career in a multinational environment;


    The Blue Internship Experience: Programming & Databases

    If you want to be challenged and use all the knowledge, skills and experience you’ve learnt so far, you have come to the right place. The work you undertake during your internship is really valued and you’ll be given worthwhile, exciting things to do on real projects. This means you can grow your knowledge and develop yourself. 

    Through this program, you can build on your existing IT or business knowledge and skills but you’ll also learn a wealth of new skills – not to mention that you will find yourself working with leading edge technologies and alongside some of the best people in the industry.


    • Ioana Frincu
    • Diana Beleiu     
    • Pasparan Ana Maria     
    • Livada Vlad Stefan     
    • Cristina Simionescu     

    When and where?

    • On Sturday, 15 th of October, 10:30-11:15;

    • At Room A, on the first floor; 

    What else should you know?

    • The entrance is free but there is a limited number of 30 participants, so you should apply to save your seat until 13th of October;

    • The TechLab session lasts 45 minutes;

    • Only candidates who meet the requirements will receive a confirmation e-mail;

    • You can apply for one or more TechLabs, but be recommend to pay attention to the date and the beginning hours because the TechLabs may overlap with the TechTalks Conferenes from room;