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Ofiter Recuperare Monitorizare Executori

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Angajator: Bancpost
  • Asigurari - Intermedieri financiare
  • Banci
  • Tip job: full-time
    Nivel job: 1 - 5 ani experienta
  • Actualizat la: 20.03.2018
    Remote work: On-site

    Scurta descriere a companiei

    Bancpost is a Top 10 Romanian bank, present for 25 years on the local market. It is the 5th brand in terms of public awareness within the banking sector, holds position 8 in deposits and the 8th place in lending (as a Group). With over 2.200 employees and a territorial network of 148 branches and 7 Business Centres, Bancpost is also one of the leaders of the local card market and has developed extensive networks of over 553 ATMs, 7,438 POSs and 192 APSs, providing convenient and permanent access to the Bank’s services. Bancpost is the exclusive partner in Romania of American Express® both on issuance and acceptance of credit cards, while at the same time is a Visa and MasterCard representative. Bancpost has invested significantly in developing various electronic channels of distribution, essential tools for the modern client. Fastbanking - the Internet Banking solution of Bancpost - is one of the best on the market, while FastMobile – the Mobile Banking solution – won the "Award for the highest value of transactions performed through a mobile banking service launched in 2014", within the Online Banking Awards Gala organized by FinMedia. Given its commitment to support Romanian performance and values, Bancpost became the Official Sponsor of the FRF (Romanian Football Federation) and of the National Football Team starting 2015.


    - Studii necesare: studii superioare finalizate sau in curs;
    - Cunostinte despre activitatea de colectare debite restante, reprezinta un plus;
    - Cunostinte utilizare calculator: Microsoft Office (Word, Excel), Internet, Outlook;
    - Capacitate de analiza, atentie la detalii, organizare;
    - Orientare catre rezultate;
    - Capacitatea de a lucra cu termene limita;
    - Abilitatea de a lucra in echipa.


    - gestioneaza portofoliul alocat de credite neperformante;
    - structureaza masurile de recuperare si defineste planul de masuri;
    - implementeaza masurile aprobate (pregatirea documentatiei corespunzatoare, precum angajamente de plata, vanzari directe, etc.);
    - negociaza modalitati de plata cu debitorii in vederea recuperarii creantei;
    - asigura reprezentarea Bancii (acolo unde este cazul) la termenele de licitatie cat si la intanirile pentru conciliere, apara interesele Bancii in relatia cu executorilor judecatoresti, administratorilor juridiciari si lichidatorilor, etc;
    - asigura suport avocatilor si colaboreaza cu acestia in vederea gestionarii litigiilor pe portofoliul alocat;
    - analizeaza ofertele de cumparare ale activelor si formuleaza masuri in vederea aprobarii acestora;
    - coopereaza cu unitatile de business in vederea identificarii solutiilor suplimentare viabile de recuperare;
    - se asigura cu privire la actualizarea periodica in aplicatia bancii a stadiului de executare pentru fiecare dosar gestionat;
    - monitorizeaza permanent realizarea bugetului lunar si intreprinde toate masurile necesare in acest sens;
    - semnaleaza superiorului direct posibilele cazuri de frauda identificate;
    - indeplineste alte sarcini stabilite de catre superiorul direct sau conducerea companiei.