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BUCURESTI, Ilfov, Ploiesti,

Aplica fara CV
BUCURESTI, Ilfov, Ploiesti,

Aplica fara CV

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Ultima zi in care te mai poti inscrie la SkillShop-ul sustinut de Schneider Electric: Workplace of the future: Extend your SCOPE to be different, Angajatori de TOP Bucuresti

Companie: Schneider Electric
  • Customer support - Client service
  • Vanzari
  • Tip anunt: eveniment
    Nivel anunt: 1 - 5 ani experienta
  • Ilfov
  • Ploiesti
  • Actualizat la: 24.03.2017
    Remote work: On-site

    Life is On @Schneider Electric and so is their SkillShop @Angajatori de TOP this spring, where you will find out how to make effective decisions in a fast-paced multinational environment!

    Participants Profile:

    • fluency in English and knowledge of any other foreign language is a plus
    • educational background: Foreign Language Faculty students or graduates
    • international experience is a plus

    SkillShop Schneider Electric:Workplace of the future: Extend your SCOPE to be different

    Different is great with the right attitude.

    Find out how to get closest to the utopic picture of the workplace of the future by investing in distinctive values, innovation and building up a SCOPE.

    Get a glimpse of how it is already starting to take shape!

    Speakers: Elena Gradinaru Mutualized CCC Director
                        Alexandru Costache, SMB Director, IT Division

    When and where?

    Friday, 24th of March from 14:50 (Room B, Sala Palatului)

    What you should know:
    • There is a limited number of 30 participants
    • The SkillShop session lasts 45 minutes
    • You can book a seat until the 23rd of March
    • Only candidates who meet the company’s requirements will receive a confirmation e-mail
    • You can apply for one or more workshops, but we recommend you to pay attention to the date and the beginning hours, because 2/3 workshops may overlap
    Daca esti interesat/a de domeniile tehnic si Servicii&BPO, iti recomand sa participi la acest SkillShop. Succes!