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Internship @ GfK

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Angajator: GfK Romania
  • Internship
  • Management - Consultanta
  • Marketing
  • Tip job: part-time
    Nivel job: Student/Absolvent
  • Job la nivel national
    Actualizat la: 18.10.2017
    Remote work: On-site

    Scurta descriere a companiei

    Our world is changing fast. Consumers, users, and buyers are calling the shots. New things become possible every second. And more complicated, too. Our clients are businesses around the globe. To make the best possible decisions every day, they need to really know what is going on, now and in the future. We don't have a crystal ball, either. But we love data and science and we understand how to connect the two. We care about attention to detail and accuracy. We are digital engineers who build world-class research, powered by high technology. Because people who know best lead the way.

    This is why GfK means Growth from Knowledge.

    Lumea noastră se schimbă repede. Consumatorii, utilizatorii și cumpărătorii folosesc tot ceea ce este nou pe piata. Lucrurile noi devin posibile în fiecare secundă si fiecare secunda devine mai complicată.
    Clienții noștri sunt companii din întreaga lume si pentru a lua cele mai bune decizii în fiecare zi trebuie să știe cu adevărat ce se întâmplă, acum și în viitor. Nu avem o bol de cristal dar ne plac datele și știința și înțelegem cum sa facem legatura intre cele doua. Ne pasă de atenția acordată detaliilor și preciziei. Suntem ingineri digitali care construiesc cercetări de nivel mondial, bazate pe tehnologii de vârf.

    GfK înseamnă Growth from Knowledge / crestere prin cunoastere, iar noi, oamenii din GfK, ajutam clientii sa se dezvolte.


    • Student (either Bachelor or Master studies) – currently attending courses in any of these domains: Economics, Marketing, Sociology, Cybernetics or Mathematics
    • Passionate about market research and/or data analysis
    • Analytical, detail-oriented, driven and responsible, solution oriented, appreciates a good challenge, eager to learn
    • Proficiency in English
    • Good Excel skills (master at least the basic functions)


    • You have the opportunity to be a part of a fun, young but yet very professional team. We are a whole department of Project Manager Specialists, working in a corporate global environment on multi country projects
    • Your main responsibility will be to pay attention – do your best to grasp the whole concept behind market research, an operations team, understand the workflow and the processes
    • You’ll be keeping the engine going and you will be supporting the wide or complex market analysis
    • You will have the chance to see the theory you’ve learned so far in school being applied in real practice, for real clients, with very important investments and a real stake - you will understand how strategically important is market research
    • You will be an active user of all the tools and platforms we work with
    • Given the fact that this is a global Hub you will have a broad exposure to the organization

    Alte informatii

    What We Offer:
    • We team up with researchers from all over the world to add value to our clients from GfK business – you get to see first-hand how meaningful is our impact as project managers, us being the heart of operations
    • You will be assigned to a team and after a thorough induction you will be trained on the job by our specialists
    • You will polish and refine most of your skills and gaining a priceless sneak peek into what having a challenging and dynamic job really means
    • A chance to know yourself better in a new context – a multinational, dynamic and fast-paced, fast-moving environment