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Arad, Timisoara, Job national

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Process Engineer

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Employer: Flex Romania
  • Engineering
  • Production
  • Telecommunication
  • Job type: full-time
    Job level: 1 - 5 years of experience
  • Timisoara
  • Updated at: 06.09.2017
    Remote work: On-site

    Short company description

    Flex creează produse extraordinare pentru clienţi, care aduc valoare şi îmbunătăţesc vieţile oamenilor. Cu o istorie de manufacturiere şi realizare de produse de peste 50 de ani, în centrul activităţilor şi operaţiunilor noastre se află comunitatea Flex de ~140.000 de membri în 30 de ţări.
    În Timişoara, ne-am deschis porţile de peste 20 ani, iar comunitatea Flex Timişoara e formată din mii de angajaţi care lucrează în 6 clădiri, dintre care 13.000 metri pătraţi sunt dedicaţi camerelor curate unde realizăm componente şi echipamente pentru domeniul medical. Produsele noastre sunt construite pe 25 de linii SMT şi 1 linie proto. Pentru a crea tehnologia de mâine, folosim soluţii inovatoare create de ingineri cu experienţă în automatizare şi design de asamblare în industria de electronice, eficientizând procesele şi minimizând riscurile


    Here is some of what you’ll need:
     Bachelor’s degree in technical field (Electrotechnics, Mechanics, Automatics);
     Good PC skills: Excel, Word, Power Point, Solid Works, Orcad;
     Knowledge of mechanical assemblage and repair;
     Advanced English language;
     Ability to make presentations;
     Ability to make root cause analysis;
     Analytical thinking, well organized and team worker.

    Here are a few of our preferred experiences:
     Minimum 2 years of experience in mechanical assembly area.


    We are looking for someone who demonstrates:
     Intense collaboration;
     Passionate customer focus;
     Thoughtful, fast, disciplined execution;
     Tenacious commitment to continuous improvement;
     Relentless drive to win.

    Here is a glimpse of what you’ll do:
     Define the assembly process and write the working instructions for the manual assembly, manual insertion of electronic parts, instruction for the usage of the labeling, cutting, assembling, pressing, packing machines and of other devices for manual assembly;
     Be in charge of continuous optimization of the manual assembly process (time, quality, costs);
     Define and realize working instructions for the repair process of electronic boards and subassemblies;
     Take part in resolving complaints of clients, identifying the causes, establishing corrective action plans and monitoring their implementation;
     Ensure the introduction of a new product/process in production and train the operators when a new product is launched into production;
     Order the needed equipment for a new product or for the process improvement;
     Make reports for non-compliant or damaged products;
     Take part in production meetings;
     Check if the equipment on the production line work according to specifications and are calibrated.