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Last days when you can register for the Colourful Resume SkillShop, Angajatori de TOP Timisoara

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View all ads Last days when you can register for the Colourful Resume SkillShop, Angajatori de TOP Timisoara active on

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Company: Bosch Timisoara
  • Customer Support - Client Service
  • Education - Training
  • Human Resources - Psychology
  • Ad type: event
    Ad level: Student/Graduate
  • Arad
  • Hunedoara
  • Timisoara
  • Updated at: 14.10.2017
    Remote work: On-site

    Bosch Service Solutions was founded in 2003 in Timisoara as Business Relations and then became part of Bosch Group in 2007, Bosch Service Solutions today ranks among the leading international supplier of Business Process Outsourcing solutions.

    The high-quality standards for which Bosch is renowned worldwide, are maintained in the services that they offer in Customer Interaction, Order Management, IT & tech support, Finance & Accounting and Purchasing. The BPO services are offered in more than 18 languages by their associates and SSC financial services in 9 languages.

    Do you want to find out more informations? Join their SkillShop at Angajatori de TOP.

    Participants profile

    • Bachelor/master students/graduates, german speakers;
    • Enthusiasts about developing a career in a multinational environment.

    Join the Colourful Resume SkillShop

    Surely all of us have struggled, when writing his/her resume. We want to be successful, hope for the best and get the job. If you google “How to write a successful resume?” you get 34.100.000 results and they are all the same: old-fashioned, strict & dry, leaving no room for creativity or diversity. Classic resume templates are highly regarded by serious employers worldwide, or are they?

    Nowadays there has been a shift in paradigm, a resume-revolution to be more precise: Employees no longer look for the central theme in your resume, they are no longer interested in classic resumes, but lean towards exceptional people with exceptional resumes. Therefore, if you took a time out to explore the world and find yourself, if you quit your job in order to pursue your dreams, or if you just discontinued your studies, because by the second semester you figured out it’s not for you, don’t worry, it means you have a colourful resume and you are exceptional and worth the employer’s time.

    The “Colourful Resume SkillShop” teaches you about how the perspective of the employer towards conventional resumes has changed & how to explain certain gaps or jobs you may have had during your development.

    Speaker: Bianca Miscodan

    Bianca Miscodan has a Bachelor’s Degree in German and English Language and Literature Studies, as well as a Master’s Degree in German Philology. She has been part of Bosch’ Learning & Development Team since May 2016 and she is responsible for the German and English language trainings and workshops, both for business and general language.

    When & where will we meet?

    • On Saturday, the 14th of October, starting from 12:40.
    • ​​In Timisoara, Angajatori de TOP, Centrul Regional de Afaceri (C.R.A.F.T.), Room A.

    What else you should know:

    • There is a limited number of 30 participants.
    • The SkillShop will be held in German
    • Only candidates who meet the company's requirements will receive a participation confirmation.
    • You can register for one or more SkillShops, but we recommend you to pay attention to the date and beginning hours because SkillShops may overlap.