11:40 - 12:40

Bringing Budgets to Life
Participa si tu workshopul propus de BCR, fa cunostinta cu echipa si descopera insight-uri valoroase din domeniul financiar, chiar de la profesionistii cu experienta! Vei avea oportunitatea sa interactionezi cu liderii din Finance ai organizatiei, sa le descoperi parcursul profesional si sa primesti sfaturi pentru actuala sau viitoarea ta cariera in domeniul financiar.
15:40 - 16:40

Why does the world need Tax Professionals?
Join us in diving deep into the world of finance and taxation to explore the essential role tax professionals play in the global economy. The workshop is designed to help you understand how tax professionals operate on both local and international levels. Gain insights into the complexities of tax regulations and understand how they affect our day-to-day lives. Be prepared to question, discuss and learn more as we unmask the fascinating world of tax law and compliance.

Bianca Ciobanu