Meet our Trainees

Marketing Assistant-Milka
Fost Cross Functional Trainee

Cand sunt intrebata despre experienta mea in Kraft, imi place sa spun (mai in gluma, mai in serios) ca nici nu se putea sa ajung intr-o organizatie mai potrivita – asta datorita dependentei mele de cafea si adoratie fata de tot ce inseamna ciocolata.
Pentru mine, perioada de traineeship de pana acum s-ar putea rezuma astfel: se ia una bucata scoala de business, se adauga revelatii dese, se toarna o mana de oameni minunati care au fost alaturi de mine de-a lungul intregii perioade (oamenii de la care am avut de invatat atat pe plan personal cat si profesional), se amesteca cu o lingura de satisfactii si se condimenteaza cu provocari constante si prieteni noi. Nu in ultimul rand, se orneaza cu oportunitatea de a vedea zi de zi cum functioneaza o organizatie de succes.


Marketing Assistant (Fost Cross Functional Trainee)


My name is Stefan. I have been a trainee within Kraft Food Romania since January 2009. After 10 months of Cross Functional Traineeship I can state with confidence that my perception about the program is:

- A business management extended (on the job) training.

10 months of activity within all functional departments: Human Resources, Procurement, Sales, Customer Service & Logistics, Finance and Marketing.

- Professional & personal learning environment

I was confronted with very different business and also personal situation from which I’ve drawn meaningful findings about myself and about the company. These findings led me to set not only professional development objectives, but also objectives that have a more personal side (like having patience, being calm, having a constant presence of mind).

- An understanding o f the interactivity and the dependencies between departments.

The best people for the job +

Valid and in-time consumer and market understanding +

Accurate volume forecast +

Strict financial analysis (especially profitability) +

Wright product, price, communication and placement +

Excellent in-store executions +

Optimum stock level and in-time delivery +

Optimum payment terms (to suppliers, from customers) +

Excellent project management +

Responsibility and involvement in the community =

Attainment of business objectives

 They all link and the linkage is made possible by professionals. Given the position that Kraft Foods holds in the market (just have a look at coffee, chocolate and biscuits & cakes category in any store), you can have an idea about the level of our professionalism that you will find here.

- Openness to new ways of doing things in order to attain a permanent objective: improving the performance of the organization.

- The last but not the least - great colleagues and working environment.

The reason why I wrote this in English is obvious. Is the first language in any multinational company.

I wish all of you to make smart decisions with a strategic (long term) positive impact on your personal and professional life. Be wise.