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First of all, we wish you a great 2015 with many successful projects.

We started this year full of enthusiasm and with some amazing new recruitment and employer branding projects.We would like to share them with you and that we hope will create the perfect opportunity for you to get in touch with your targeted audience. We would like this message to be a source of inspiration on how to target the perfect candidates and how you can increase your company's employer brand through the projects we developed.

Wishing you an amazing 2015!

  Angajatori de TOP  
  March - April 2015  

Angajatori de TOP is the biggest recruitment and employer branding event in Romania. It takes place twice a year, in spring and in autumn, and it brings together over 160 of the biggest employers and 23.000 experienced professionals and students each season.

In line with our continuous innovation culture, we extended the career fair experience from the offline into the online space. Angajatori de TOP Virtual, now at its 5th edition, offers a great opportunity to interact with a large candidate pool in a very short period of time and helps your company raise awareness and create a strong employer brand among professionals and students.

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Consulting Days
March 17th
It's an event dedicated to 150 TOP students interested in developing a career in Accounting, Audit or Taxes Consultancy, facilitating their interaction with companies willing to develop their professional and personal skills. The event features a dynamic and flexible event agenda that includes conferences, panel discussions, seminars and competitions. Last edition, Consulting Days' dedicated webpage had 22.932 visitors and 189 participants selected from a total number of 636 applicants.
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Internship&Trainee Guide
April- May
Employers' Guide has been developed with the aim of helping companies build or consolidate their employer brand among a big part of undergraduates and Master's students with economical and technical background. The publication builds a great foundation for future recruiting and hiring efforts and a great way to endorse your company's brand among the next generation of professionals. After the distribution you can reach 20.000 students through dedicated newsletter inserts.
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Top Talents Romania
May 14th – 15th 

Top Talents is a 2 day event with 250 top Romanian students and fresh graduates that have the potential and the drive to start and develop a career in a company that invests in talent. We will embark them on the road to self-discovery, where the guides will be top employers, company leaders, mentors and coaches. Only outstanding individuals who have the potential and the drive to start and develop a career will be invited to attend the event. Read here how we reached this number from a total of 1.713 applicants.

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Think Leadership
June 20th - 21th

It's a project designed to reach top professionals with 4 up to 7 years of work experience and participants with a background in finance, marketing or sales, whose next career goal is a leadership position or who already have such a position and want to improve their leadership skills. The objective is to promote your company's employer brand through role models identified among your employees.

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Dev Talks  
May 13th (Cluj), June 11th (Bucharest)  
Last edition Dev Talks gathered 416 great community leaders, innovations and fun, the key ingredients to explore the most important technological trends, with 40 presentations and 44 international & local Speakers, designed for thought-provoking.
The agenda is focused on the main following subjects: Big Data, Cloud Computing, Web, Mobile and Internet of Things. It is agreat way to gain awareness among 50 000 IT professionals as a strong employer willing to invest in the development of the IT community.
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Further Contact

Catalyst Solutions
8A, Maria Rosetti, Ground Floor,
2nd District, Bucharest
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