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Internship&Trainee Guide

Employers’ Guide helps companies to build or consolidate their employer brand among undergraduates and Master’s students with economical and technical background. 

The publication represents a great foundation for future recruiting and hiring efforts and a great way to endorse your company brand among the next generation of professionals. Also, it will allow talented, enthusiastic and motivated individuals who are eager to make a contribution, to apply their skills within your company.
Employers’ Guide has been prepared to reveal all the major internship & trainee programs of the year 2015. 


The Guide will be published in March 2015 and distributed during
April-May 2015. It allows employers to reach over 50.000 students. There will be 20.000 printed copies and 30.000 in online version. 

The distribution of the Employers’ Guide covers the following university centers:


This issue will accommodate all the major programs of the year 2015, such as:

  • Internship & Trainee programs
  • Graduate careers & entry level jobs
  • Competitions/ Career Studies/ Business Games
  • Recruitment events / Open days
  • Academies, trainings, summer schools
  • Employer branding projects


The Internship & Trainee Guide contains useful resources and tools that provide students relevant data about how to find an internship program, where to apply, what to expect, how to be prepared and how to maximize the internship experience.

The Guide will include a series of valuable articles covering the following topics:

  • How important is to set up with your supervisor the goals and the expectations?
  • What level of compensation is typical for an internship?
  • Reasons to take into consideration such a program.
  • 6 tips for meeting with success an internship program.


The Employers’ Guide includes internship & trainee programs, employer branding and recruitment programs of the year 2015 dedicated to students and Master’s students with the following profile:

  • Business Administration
  • Accounting & Finance
  • Management
  • Marketing & Communication
  • International Business and Economics
  • Political Science and Administration
  • Computer Science
  • Telecommunication and Electronics
  • Mathematics and Informatics
  • Cybernetics
  • Mechanics and Engineering
  • Engineering and Management Technology Systems
  • Constructions
  • Transportation

After the 20.000 printed copies distribution in 2014, 60% of those who received the publication were from Bucharest, 14% from Cluj, 13% of them were from Timisoara and 12% from Iasi. Also, the language most frequently spoken is English (96.48%), the next one is French (74.43%), German (29.12%), Spanish (3.61%) and Russian, with 1.21% speakers. 

Our statistics show that  27% of them have expressed their interest in IT &Telecom positions, while the level of interest in other areas is the following: 17% Engineering, 15% PR & Marketing, 8% Accounting, 7% Management, 6% Human Resources, 4% Real Estate, 4% Sales, 3% Banking, 10% other areas.

Statistics about Internship & Trainee programs organized in 2014

By the study made by Hipo last year we find out what are the student’s preferences in programs dedicated for them.  As a conclusion, we can see in the chart below the main departments in which they present interest. 

If you wish to receive the full report or more details about the publication please contact us at angajatori@catalyst.ro

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