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<= Internship & Trainee Guide // Top Talents Romania => Angajatori de TOP is the biggest recruitment and employer branding event in Romania. It takes place twice a year, in spring and in autumn and it brings together over 160 of the biggest employers and 23.000 experienced professionals and students each season. Also, we continue to innovate and we extend the career fair experience from the offline into the online space. The virtual edition has a national reach. The event, today at its 5th edition offers a great opportunity to interact with a large candidate pool in a very short period of time and helps your company raise awareness and create a strong employer brand among professionals and students. This year, the project will take place in: Angajatori de TOP Timisoara – 13th -14th of March, CRAFT Center Why Should Your Company Participate?
When and Where? Angajatori de TOP Timisoara Join us for the 6th edition of Angajatori de TOP Timisoara. The results from the last edition: |
Angajatori de TOP Bucharest Join us for the 18th edition of Angajatori de TOP Bucharest. The results from the last edition: Angajatori de TOP Bucuresti had an extended promotion campaign. The online dedicated section of the event on Hipo.ro gathered 354,670 views. The fair was mentioned in over 260 articles published during the event’s promotion campaign. News about the event were broadcasted by TV Channels, such as: TVR, Antena 1, Antena 3, Realitatea TV, Prima TV, Digi24, TVCity, RTV and Radio Channels, such as: KissFM, EuropaFM, Radio Romania Actualitati and Bucuresti FM. Angajatori de TOP Virtual Edition Join us for the 5th edition of Angajatori de TOP Virtual. The results from the last edition: Angajatori de TOP is the first 3D online platform in Romania that gives worldwide candidates possibility to interact, gain knowledge about careers and apply for 90 TOP employers. The online promotion campaign gathered 327.336 visitors and covered the press during the event in over 75 articles published. To increase brand awareness, our clients usually choose for webinar solution, that is more than a recruitment and employer branding instrument. Last edition we host 2 webinars for L’Oreal Romania and EY Romania with over 50 participants and 5.500 visitors.
Besides the career fair experience, you can interact with preselected candidates during workshops and conferences and introduce them to your company culture, career opportunities and selection process. Career Seminars & Conferences
In order to receive more details about the possibility to participate at Angajatori de TOP, please contact us at: angajatori@catalyst.ro Other topics you might be interested in:
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