<= Top Talents Romania // Think Leadership =>

We're kicking off a brand new edition at Dev Talks. To start, here is some information about 2015 edition and news for Cluj community. Starting this May we’ll be there!

The possibilities to gather under the same roof software developers & it professionals are endless. The 2015 Dev Talks gathers great community leaders, innovations and fun, the key ingredients to explore the trends that will shape Mobile, Web, Big Data, Cloud Computing and Internet of Things. Take part in Dev Talks and get the most out of it!

DevTalks Cluj

Coming soon in Cluj, on 13th  of May! Dev Talks 2015 in Cluj will take out new approaches in software development and teach how to use them efficiently.

This is the context where thought-leading speakers from all the major trends and appreciated leaders in their field will share their learnings and best practices. During the 5 tracks of the event you’ll learn the methods and which is the best approach depending the area of interest.


DevTalks Bucharest

On June 11th, with the help of our forces (speakers, partners, Hipo community, IMWorld) we have designed topics which address the needs of those who are interested in Mobile, Web, Cloud Computing, Big Data or IoT.

Anything missing from the list? Feel free to contribute – we’re more than happy to invite you to join our forces.  



November is getting more interesting by launching the Dev Hackathon where developers, IT professionals, Hackers, students, geeks or everybody who has a passion for IT. We also will include designers if they want to join our fury.

We will provide the logistics for the event. You have to bring the mentorship, awesome prizes and lots of fun. Stay tuned for important announcements!


Who attends?

The audience had as a main focus one of the 4 stages present at the event. The purpose was to emphasize the local reality and bring at Dev Talks also international case studies & changes. One day was not enough for having n stage as many themes as we wanted. The Agenda format was focused on Big Data, Cloud, Web and Mobile.

How can you involve in this edition:

The future web
The Agenda is designed to answer to challenges that professionals meet when facing new techniques and new processes.

Sneak peak The Future Web:
- The Post Classical HTTP Era: Say Hello to Real-Time Web
- The New Web: Mobile, Social, Programmable, UX Focused
- Build Socially Connected Applications for a Connected World

Mobile imperative & Internet of Things
Implementing mobile solutions remains a priority for IT next year and IoT becomes more and more popular in the community.

Sneak peak Mobile Imperative & Internet of Things:
- The Mobile Development Sphere: Creating strategies for success
- IoT #include Big Data

Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing is said to have the potential of many advantages such as speed, agility, flexibility and innovation.

Sneak peak Cloud Computing:
- Hybrid Clouds and Hybrid IT: The Next Frontier
- What Can You Expect From Next Cloud Services?

Big Data
Big Data is everywhere. This phenomenon is destined to help the community to discuss more on the improvements we can bring to the new wave.

Sneak peak Big Data:
- Where Are You on the Big Data Road Map?
- Big Data & Analytics in modern applications

Take a look at some of the extra visibility points we have prepared for you!

Exhibitors Area:

Where you can showcase your organization through exhibition stands and hospitality spaces. You can provide a sneak peek into the new lineup in technology innovations such as new devices, wearable, application and much more.​


Networking Area:


The key component of every event that we organize is networking with other professionals and encourage the participants to enjoy great talks or enjoy the free time to send urgent e-mails and solve last minute tasks.
Attendees can also enjoy the evening with a cocktail party after the closing where everybody can remain in the networking area and have a drink.


Initiative Stages:

You have a new chance to go deeper in a subject that you want to discuss. For example, you have on the stage a certain theme and theme and the speaker is willing to discuss more upon the subject. Or you have a demo to show, now you can attract the participants to join your crowd on the spot.


Did you miss out on getting your Dev Talks 2015 package this time round?
Book it now so we have plenty of time to plan every cool stuff that we will organize together.

Gain awareness among  50 000 IT professionals as a strong employer willing to invest in the development of the IT community.

Enjoy the last edition here:

If you have any questions you can send an email at angajatori@catalyst.ro